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My 7000 Has Died


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The GPZ has been out for a long time but is this problem starting to show up with the ones made say in the last two years ? Has anyone reported this problem from one made 5 years ago or before that ?

I don't have one so I can't relate to your problem. I do hope you can get it fixed and stay that way.


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18 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

The GPZ has been out for a long time but is this problem starting to show up with the ones made say in the last two years ?

Chuck something along those lines occurred to me.   I don`t detect all day because this is my hobby, not my job, but I got mine day one and it has been used maybe 320 days a year since it was released, and I`m guessing mine would be at the upper end of use. It certainly looks like it has been used a lot. I don`t set out to mistreat it but I don`t wrap it up in cotton wool either.  I wonder if what has happened to mine is a sign of things to come for older 7000`s.                                              Anyway mine is in the shop now,  and I hope I get it back soon. 

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Am in same boat, mine`s looking a little worse for wear too, so far touch wood no problems but I did only about 100 days this yr. I think once mine does show problems I`ll approach the Treasurer for a new one and once old ones repaired leave one with each coil. Just could not see me waiting for repairs if during the gold season. That will save some of those crazy 19" holes in hard ground.

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I stand corrected and I don't know why I was thinking it had been around longer.

My main point was a older unit having the same trouble as a newer one. Just maybe there is a breaking point where the first was made than the ones now. I don't see Minelab making their electronic parts and buying from one may not be as good as the first. Like a chain is no better than it's weakest link.


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On ‎9‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 2:02 PM, phoenix said:

Andy I don`t think you have anything to worry about.  Mine would lose sound sometimes when I changed "ground type" but I always got sound back when I restarted the detector. Apparently what has happened to mine this time is a completely separate issue. Dave

Hi Phoenix

I have been having same problems with my zed. When I switch gold modes from normal to difficult or difficult to normal the threshold would go silent. I had the problem a few times a while after the first update and now have installed the second update hoping it would fix the glitch but its still been happening.

Its bearable at the moment ( happening at least once or twice a day)( I change modes on almost every target)  but am worried it will get worse or contribute to a bigger problem later on.

Can you please tell me your result from what you found with your experience in this matter? please.

 Cheers ozgold


On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 1:53 AM, Andyy said:

I think there is a bug there that Minelab is not aware of.  It is always when switching between ground modes multiple times that the sound goes out.  The majority of the time, I don't need to switch that often, but if I want to get a check whether it is more likely than not, ground noise, then I will switch back and forth.  Do this too often in a short time span and you will lose volume.  At least for my machine.

Hi Andyy

Could you please also chime in and give me your results on this topic

Is it still happening on your machine ?

Did you get it fixed?

Cheers ozgold


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Hello, Ozgold.  Yes it still happens once in a while when moving back and forth between the modes.  But not too often.  And more importantly, it has not gotten worse.  The only other issue I have had is the time it takes to recognize a screen push.  There is a noticeable lag in response, but again, it has not worsened.  And more importantly, the machine still finds gold :biggrin:

Both issues have been noted by others in varying degrees.  I myself have not sent my machine back to Minelab because I am not exactly sure how to reproduce it (at least for the first issue)



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my 7000 has done this once, I had a moment of semi panic but turned it off and on again, no problems since. I still have my 5000 so something to go to if I ever have to send the 7000 out to be repaired. I still very much like to use the 5000 in some conditions, still a very good machine.

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21 hours ago, Andyy said:

 The only other issue I have had is the time it takes to recognize a screen push.  There is a noticeable lag in response, but again, it has not worsened.  And more importantly, the machine still finds gold :biggrin:

Hi Andyy

Thanks for the feed back

I wonder if Minelab know about the issue ??  My machine also has a lag when pushing the screen buttons, I didn't really think it was the machine more so I thought it was just not reading my pressing the screen through the screen cover I have on the machine.

I will have to use it without the cover & see if it still lags

Do you use a cover on your screen ?

Cheers ozgold

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1 hour ago, ozgold said:

Do you use a cover on your screen ?

Cheers ozgold

Yep, sure do have a cover ..  but it doesn't matter.  Lag exists with or without. 

I thought of returning my machine to Minelab but like I said, I don't really know how to repeat it the silent threshold.  If I took the time I could figure it out.  But then again, I am not always trying new settings.  Usually only when I am in a new area.  I may make it out this weekend.  I will have to see how repeatable it is.  It just hasn't been a priority for me.  Sending off my GPZ in the mail would give me  nightmares.

If you know how to repeat it every time, let me know.  I'll see if my machine does it the same.  

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