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New Guy From Canada


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So. This Equinox business might finally be the machine I’ve been waiting for :). Our Canadian coins actually seem to struggle with many machines due to the materials they are made of. And most water machines are geared for salt. The Equinox might be the nice combo for a Tigetshark and whatever land machine I have at the time. Glad to have found this forum. I really only lurk one other decent site that is helpful and full of objectivity. I love water hunting. And off the beaten path hunting. I’m kind of excited about this machine. I’ve also come to realize Steve is a smart guy. There are a few out there and Steve, you’re one. Do I smell a book on the horizon? Some people even had CTX boot camps. I might travel for an Equinox boot camp. :). Thanks. 

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Great you made it and we glad to have you!

I haven’t had one in my hot little hands but I think you can’t go wrong on the Equinox. One thing if I’m wrong we won’t be in the boat by our self.

The Best and come back soon.



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Hi Upfishcreek.  I agree with you, have always wanted to do a "boot camp" but did not have one of the detectors being used for them.  If the Equinox is as popular as it seems to be, I would for sure travel for a boot camp.  Sounds like a great time to learn a machine and get to know other like minded detectorists!

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Welcome to the forum! Newer Canadian coins reading ferrous is a bummer but when it comes to detecting there is always something. Not saying I would never do a book but I have no plans for books or classes or anything coming from me. My basic game plan is to give you all the information I am allowed between now and when people can lay hands on the Equinox. Once it hits general release my only plan is to use mine a lot and then hopefully compare note with people here and learn together as we go. Testing actually detracts from time spent just metal detecting and so in 2018 I am looking forward to not testing metal detectors and just going detecting instead!

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12 hours ago, upfishcreek said:

I love water hunting. And off the beaten path hunting.

Welcome, ufc!  I'm not a water hunter but I'm with you on the "off the beaten path" part.  The stories those places can tell, even if only in one's imagination, are as much of an attraction as the finds.  And who doesn't like thinking s/he is the first to discover a long lost settlement/site.  Please keep us posted with your finds (tangible and intangible) as you go along that path.

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