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Can A Drone Be A Prospecting Tool?

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Recently my wife and daughter gave me a drone for my birthday. Being a bit of a technical dinosaur, I am still getting the hang of it. These things seem to be rapidly advancing, and it occurred to me that it may provide a way of seeing what is over the next hill without all the footwork. Seeing how America seems to be leading the way with this technology, this seemed to be the ideal place to pose this Question. Any ideas?

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I wasn't a believer till i took footage of a lease area and realised the detail it provides. Real time real clear satellite image basically. I wouldn't sit back and send it over a hill before i walked it, but i'd use it to better understand an area i had found gold in with the hope of it leading to more:)

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I got a cheap drone last year to explore the concept. What I discovered is I want to go detecting more than I want to launch a drone. I managed to not use it even once. Kind of pathetic but it is the same success rate I have with thinking I am going to take videos while I am prospecting. It all seems like a dandy idea, but once I hit the ground I go into work mode and stuff like that seems a waste of time. Still, the drone I believe is a good idea for the right situation.

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I want one that I can hop on and fly the Z, dog & me in anywhere then follow me around like the dog to take me home again at end of the day ........safely

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I have a DJI Mavic Pro, purchased with the idea of using it for checking out areas I can't easily walk to. I learned instantly that I wont fly it beyond what I can see it.

Flying it like most anything is a perishable skill. You have to use it. Flying it is one skill set. Using it to its potential another. Getting good cinematic footage is another art form. Then editing and putting together good footage is another. 

I look forward to putting it up and getting a birds eye view of some areas that I am curious about. It is a very useful tool if used. Just another thing to pack. And it is packable.

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I`ve a Phantom 3 but same here gotta be able to see it to control for me, maybe tis just a matter of getting some "flying" hours under the belt. Time will tell.

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Right now I don't see how they would be any more beneficial than Google Earth is. I can already get a good bird's eye view of an area using Earth sitting at home, and decide if its worth a closer look. If I'm out in the field I'd rather be detecting than messing around with a drone. 

Technology is always improving though. I could imagine a time when one could be used for more detailed analysis of geology, etc. Heck, maybe even hook one up directly to a detector and have it do the hunting for you! Seems far fetched, but we're about to have self-driving cars so I suppose anything is possible. 

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