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Our Goal Is To Fulfill All Backorders By End Of March

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I know a lot of die hard 1st Texas fans that have one on order.

That should speak for itself..................

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Hey Mark

It’s all about what makes you happy and what works best for you .

I’ve got the Equinox 800 on order but I won’t know if it’s me until I use it. I have to give it and me time in the field to know the answer.

It wouldn’t be the first one to come in the front door and go right out the back one.

The Best 


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I was just reading some of the post made to Minelab on their site. I just can’t believe some of the harsh things that was said to them.

The Equinox is not just sweeping the US but the world. If we were talking about a thousand needed no big deal but it could run as high as 10 thousand Equinox’s. That is just a wag and who knows maybe more.

It’s best to put brain in gear before putting mouth in motion.


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This would be more in specific reference to the U.S. I believe as shipping/customs issues are apparently causing things to be a bit slower elsewhere. Nothing much anyone can do about that sort of stuff. The point is they are cranking them out and shipping them and it will not be all summer or all year as some people have been speculating.

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To clear up all the backordered units within the next 40 days leads me to believe this next (2nd) shipment could be much more substantial than the first. It's certainly what I'm hoping Is the case. 

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4 hours ago, relicmeister said:

this next (2nd) shipment could be much more substantial than the first.

If I were a gambling man, relicmeister, I would bet on it.  If for no other reason than ocean cargo is WAY less expensive to ship than air freight.  I imagine the first shipment was  a small but significant gesture to meet a deadline.  The second shipment I will bet is a good bit larger than the first, and the third larger still (ramped up production).  By that time, if all the preorders aren't fulfilled, the wailing will probably hit a fever pitch, but the unhappy remnants will probably be a small minority.  Hang in there kiddies, "Christmas" is just a short time away!!! :laugh:

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I got this from the Horses mouth. Minelab has 8 testers that has to test each machine in their test garden for one hour. The team is led by Juan. The 1st glitch came when Hugo was scheduled for vacation from Jan 15th - 30th. Well they had to use Jared to replace Hugo but Jared wasn't trained in the Equinox he was an ETrac tester. They had to hurry up and train Jared. 

After the test is complete they have to turn the detector into Bridget the Irish wash woman to clean them and put a coat of hair spray on them to make the look shiny new. Then they go to Carmen Kristoff to disassemble them and on to Brenda the boxer and after Brenda they go to Maria Mendenez  for shipping.

Before they go out the door Jaun calls his team together for a stamp of approval and then Bill Barney from shipping signs off before they go to the port. At the port Customs agent Alex Munoze has to sign off then Kirby from Minelab delivers the check from Minelab to cover the shipping to the financial officer of the shipping company and away they go. 

So now you have it. It all started with Hugo's vacation.. 

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