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My First Gold Ring With The 800!


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Here is tonight's hunt.

I go out to my beach and I head in the opposite direction of last night.  The tide is a little lower when I get there and I start searching there.  Straight off I'm getting bottle caps.  They had all kinds of different numbers.  They would jump the 13, 10, negs ... I stopped digging bottle caps years ago with the CTX.  It was at a location at the top of my screen (I don't care about numbers on the CTX because I look at the screen) so I don't dig.  Similar thing with bobby pins.  I stopped digging those when I stopped using my 5000 on the beach!

So, rant over ... I said I'm not going to hunt in a patch of caps, time to get to my other beach about 2 miles away.  I turned off the all metal, went to 8 on recovery and 6 on bias and started 'Fast and Furious!'  Not quite so furious but quick and I didn't find anything walking the wave/tide line for a long time then I got a solid 17.  It was locked.  No penny warble, scratch or jump.  I put my scoop in and I felt something so I was careful and pulled out the copper bracelet from about 6 inches in the wet sand.  Ok, solid signals can be had on this beach.

All the while I'm walking I'm thinking about a couple of years ago when targets were dense.  How much fun would it have been with the Nox then?  Well, that is not now so onward to my beach.  When I got there it was dark but I have my light.  It didn't look like it had been hit today but there weren't many waves either.  I walked all the way to the end of where I was going to go with a nickel or penny here and there and I said it was time to get back the 2.5 miles.  Meanwhile I've gone to 6 on Recovery and put Bias at 2 and turned OFF all metal.  About 200 yards after I turned in an area where I've found several rings I got another 13.  Ok, I'll dig this because of where it is and that is the 2.7g/14k ring!  Those might be 3 little diamonds but I haven't tested them.  There is a bit of solder repair for resizing so I don't know other than that why the number is so high.

That was a one off so back to my car following the now higher tide line.  Ok, I'll dig that beeping target and it's a cheap ring!  A two ring night isn't bad.  Fast and Furious works on a mostly targetless beach to cover more ground.  I consider this like patch hunting for nuggets in the desert.  Some of the targets in the picture were down to 10 inches again.

I can't think of more.  All for now.




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Here is tonight's hunt.

I tried to make the hunt tonight 'opposite' of last night.  I targeted a section of beach and I wanted to slow grid it and see what I could do.  As it turned out I learned a few things.

I went into Beach 2.  Sensitivity 22, Iron 0, Recovery 6, No Tracking, 5 tone, all metal

When I hit a dime then I started gridding the black sand line.  This is where the waves had been but the tide was down a few feet from it when I was there.  I went perpendicular to the line most of the time with the grid tonight. (Other times and last night I was on the line.  It can make some difference in your ground balance but I didn't notice it with the 800.)  I took short swings and tried to overlap.  

You can't make a bad beach good but I worked about 25 yards of it pretty hard.  In that area I found the little rivet, the little ring (probably a stainless baby toe ring) and a few coins.  I was digging everything.  I'll have to say that many of the targets jumped around.  I did some testing between all metal and discriminate.  All metal and high bias, etc.  I went slow on recovery speed and I've probably decided that going below 4 for this beach is really not good.

Later I went to 'Fast and less than Furious' but I was not in the mood two nights in a row.

A work in progress ...




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Good info, Mitchel.  Way to change things up both in settings and technique to see what working and what is not and sharing it.

I have fiddled with recovery speed and am finding (again) that Steve is absolutely right when he says this thing is built for speed so let it run fast.  Keeping recovery speed right around the default (typically 6 for the 800) indeed seems to be optimal unless you are in the thick of it with targets and trash where bumping it up helps.  This is another adjustment I have had to make in how I approach Equinox vs. Deus whos optimal recovery speeds are in the middle vice upper end of the adjustment range with Equinox.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There were supposed to be some big waves at the beach over the night but they didn't move much sand.  I decided to modify my hunt to a repeat of 'fast and furious' and cover more ground as there isn't much and not even things deep.  My 3rd target was the ring.  It is a 4.75g homemade/handmade ring.  The remainder of the items I found in dry sand.




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