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Depth Meter And Target Id's


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Granted, my sample size is fairly small compared to the hours others have put on their Equinox's.  But a quick question....:

Has anyone recovered a non-ferrous keeper with the depth meter pegged, and/or with an id that bounces up to 38-40?

I, for one, have not.  Even my 9"+ keepers (tax token, wheat) gave me 4 arrow depth readings and id's that bounced around the true target id.  To my recollection, every target I have chased with the depth meter maxed, and/or the id bouncing up to 38-40 have been ferrous.  Of course, it doesn't keep me from digging them... sometimes they sound too sweet :)

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The erratic IDs that flash 37 + seem to be Iron falsing.. The coins sitting close to nails that I have found with the Equinox usually can be isolated and tighten up in their proper range..  It can be a cruel game sometimes though..  Some of them one way signals can sound too good to pass up.. Especially if there is no indication of a nail during pinpoint..  


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I have yet to look at the depth target as an indicator to dig as I got used to listening to the sound with my deus and I still am in the habit of doing that. The targets I've had that read over 35 have so far been junk. Last week I got a sweet sounding 35-36, thought I was going to pull my first silver dollar out and it was a piece of crud. I do get fooled though on ferrous that reads at 28. I had 3-4 great sounding 28's last hunt, the target ID never moved off of 28 and it was always a rusty something. I also got junk on target ID's of 24. If it stayed at 24 it was always junk. 

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Yes! But what I have learned is in park 2 GB, noise cancel, speed 6, iron bias 2..

Is this. Clipped jumpy VDI that when I turn 90 is gone.. it’s a nail. Usually a severely rusted or bent nail.

Now on two occasions, I got a repeatable high tone, when I turned 90-180- and back it was still there, but jumpy.. one was a merc and one a silver Canadian coin. Numbers were in high 20’s to low 30’s.

In heavy iron I work slow. (Walking speed wise) my sweep speed is normal. Has been working well.

i have found that every machine loves big iron, some just give you more information on not to dig. The worst on BIG iron? 

Deus... it loooooooves big deep iron. The equinox gives me clues to dig or not.. so far it has been working.

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In my limited use, no.  39-40 has been iron each time; probably wrap around. I haven't had a solid 38 yet, but when I do,  I hope it's silver.:biggrin:

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My experience has been similar--depth often very unreliable, and readings approaching 40 so far large iron. The two silver Mercuries I found so far--both in good shape--were bouncing in mid-20s about where you'd expect.  But, one I almost didn't dig as there was some iron grunting in a way that almost convinced me the machine was falsing on a nail. This dime was also in the middle of the plug only several inches down even though the meter was almost pegged. Apparently, other things there doing funny things to the machine; but I didn't dig further once I found the silver and verified no further high conductors in the hole.

I now dig less big iron, I think, but still get fooled at lot by bent, rusty nails.   


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I stopped looking at my depth meter because mine doesn't appear to be accurate at all. Almost every target indicates 8-10 inches but when dug targets are usually closer to 4-6". Makes me wonder what coin they calibrated it too. I don't even use the pinpoint, I just drag the coil toward me until the signal stops. Easier for me.

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On some of the whites machines..... like the DFX we used to disc out the top 2 digits just because of wrap around when we ran high sensitivity from iron/hot rocks.  Jeff Fosters recommendation.   Next question....... what good targets hits that high?   What was it ... maybe a silver dollar that hit 38.   Ive been running 39 and 40 disc out.  But then im looking for gold jewelry.... which seems to have a limit somewhere around 24... so far.

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