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Threshold Adjustment


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Setting .. the height of the threshold value depends to a certain extent on the mineralization of the terrain ... which means that on less mineralized terrain you can increase the level of the threshold more .. and this level will still be acceptable for detection ...

  my favorite treshold setting is normally somewhere between 4-8 ... and I give a maximum of 10 ...

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On 12/27/2020 at 3:34 AM, Jeff McClendon said:

I did some testing recently and actually did notice that the use of some threshold in the Gold modes will boost the volume of faint signals. Even when the threshold is set on 3 or 4, which for me is inaudible, small mineralization masked gold and lead targets are easier to hear. With the threshold set on 8 or so, which is where I like it since for me, it is only barely audible, those same targets are much easier to hear. I learned something new about the Equinox thanks to this great topic!!!!

The use of the threshold in Park, Field and Beach did not boost the same faint signals however, so I won't get too excited.........

Unless I am missing something, sounds like you simply rediscovered this (from earlier in this thread when it was started in 2018) that Steve extracted direct from the manual:

Glad you verified, with certainty, what ML was saying regarding threshold enhancing weak target signals.  I always wondered about it, but use gold mode primarily as a psuedo all metal relic mode rather than for small gold searching so have not really explored the usefulness of gold mode's true threshold feature.

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I did not remember seeing any reference to this different use of the Gold mode threshold in the original manual. Maybe it was there all of the time. It is definitely in the latest manual for sure. I also can vaguely remember testing for this audio boost using even low threshold settings in the Gold modes back in the distant past before Covid 19 but I don't remember hearing the major difference or any difference like I do now....................

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50 minutes ago, Jeff McClendon said:

I did not remember seeing any reference to this different use of the Gold mode threshold in the original manual. Maybe it was there all of the time. It is definitely in the latest manual for sure. I also can vaguely remember testing for this audio boost using even low threshold settings in the Gold modes back in the distant past before Covid 19 but I don't remember hearing the major difference or any difference like I do now....................

I was always aware of ML differentiating gold mode "true" threshold vs. the other modes' reference threshold in the manual from the get go.  Notice that Steve pulled those screen grabs from the manual pdf in early 2018.  The thing is, I wonder if they have subtly enhanced gold mode threshold's effect on weak signals with subsequent updates (perhaps 3.0 this summer?) and that is why it is more noticeable to you now. 

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By setting the Threshold, you adjust the audibility of the static and dynamic signal from the field as well as the targets ...

 1. when the threshold is set too low, it may lose the audibility of weaker signals ,, because I will be below the level of the detector's sensitivity zone .. ,, - and the sound of the crack is also very low or inaudible ... but this is how you limit the maximum range of the detector ...

2. with approximately optimal and correct setting of the threshold - the readability of weak signals will be better than and also the volume of the Threshold sound will not overlap these good weak signals ... Such a setting is OK .. and the reading range of weak signals is maximized ...

3. If the Threshold sound is set too high and noisy .. ,,, the strong Threshold sound may mask the weak signals from the targets again .... .. Therefore, do not overdo it unnecessarily with the threshold setting.

However, there are exceptions where the very high threshold setting is used to eliminate small signals in detection ..., especially when searching for larger targets.


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With the manual quotes I can remember this now...

I only read it this summer , of course I was trying to absorb the whole thing in just a few go-rounds.

They say short term memory is the first to go , so guess I can blame it on that ! LOL

Maybe this will increase my odds next time I need it....


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