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Equinox Beach Finds 02-05-18

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Over the last couple of days the weather has been wet and a bit windy , looking at a nearby beach i pass every day when working that usually looks like my local beaches i search it didn't look good . Anyway i decided to go this morning at 5am for a while and work the tide out . I was also wondering which machine to use , either the Nox or the ET . In the end i went with the Nox .

When i started i searched along the lower beach above low tide but above the sand but the finds were quite sparse so gave up after a couple of hours . At that time the sand was showing and so i put the Nox in Beach 2 and got my feet wet , my settings are different to the ones on the Beach 2 but when i went into the water the Nox stayed completely stable and no falsing . I only found 3 coins but then i didn't expect them .

By the end of the search i had found £5.11p . Unfortunately no gems this time.

Beach 2 works far better than Beach 1 . Unfortunately the Nox wont work on the top parts of my beaches due to huge amounts of EMI but at least i have found where its best suited.

My next hunt is either tomorrow or next Monday , that will be with the Nox too.

31) £5.11p FOUND 02-05-18 EQ.JPG

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Nice digs.  Was the EQ hitting deeper for you at this beach?


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2 minutes ago, steveg said:

Nice digs.  Was the EQ hitting deeper for you at this beach?


Nothing deeper and its the same area but lower longer tide . At least i know its good in the salt wet in the water .

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Nice hunt!  I like the beaches too.

When I looked at your post I thought you were sending us pictures of a February 5, 2018 hunt.  :smile:  We may have a few more differences in language and target responses but I think we'll manage.

How is the 'amount' for you?  I'd be very happy if I found 5 lbs on a hunt.

When you say you can't make the Nox work on top of the beaches because of high EMI let me tell you what I do.  First of all we have a sensitivity on the Nox that goes up to 25 and we think we have to stay above 20 all the time.  Why didn't Minelab just forget about 1-18?  When could you ever want to be that low?  I use low sensitivity in two cases (all of us need to explore and use them more).  One is for very high trash ... I don't need to light everything up to get the good things out of it so to speak.  Sometimes less sensitivity is better on finding good targets.

The second place I lower the sensitivity is for EMI. (I do this after I noise cancel and go out of auto.)  I have a couple of places where the standard settings of the Nox simply will not work.  I didn't have this problem with a CTX or an SE Pro ... what is WRONG with the Nox that it can't handle the EMI?  I've learned that EMI can be handled if I turn down the sensitivity until it is stable.  What I have also learned is that most of my good targets are still 'visible' to the Nox at much lower sensitivity if I get over the target.  I lose some of the 'side band' or peripheral sensitivity because of the lower sensitivity and it being a DD but it still works and works good. 

Good luck tomorrow.


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3 hours ago, mn90403 said:

Nice hunt!  I like the beaches too.

When I looked at your post I thought you were sending us pictures of a February 5, 2018 hunt.  :smile:  We may have a few more differences in language and target responses but I think we'll manage.

How is the 'amount' for you?  I'd be very happy if I found 5 lbs on a hunt.

When you say you can't make the Nox work on top of the beaches because of high EMI let me tell you what I do.  First of all we have a sensitivity on the Nox that goes up to 25 and we think we have to stay above 20 all the time.  Why didn't Minelab just forget about 1-18?  When could you ever want to be that low?  I use low sensitivity in two cases (all of us need to explore and use them more).  One is for very high trash ... I don't need to light everything up to get the good things out of it so to speak.  Sometimes less sensitivity is better on finding good targets.

The second place I lower the sensitivity is for EMI. (I do this after I noise cancel and go out of auto.)  I have a couple of places where the standard settings of the Nox simply will not work.  I didn't have this problem with a CTX or an SE Pro ... what is WRONG with the Nox that it can't handle the EMI?  I've learned that EMI can be handled if I turn down the sensitivity until it is stable.  What I have also learned is that most of my good targets are still 'visible' to the Nox at much lower sensitivity if I get over the target.  I lose some of the 'side band' or peripheral sensitivity because of the lower sensitivity and it being a DD but it still works and works good. 

Good luck tomorrow.


In the UK we do day / month then year .

The £5.11p is a very small total for me most times , in the past and sometimes now i can make that look small change.

It doesn't matter how you go on the tops on my beaches the Nox wont have it . If you lower the sensitivity then you miss targets or have to go so slow that it takes an age to find anything and cover the area . For me thats when the Terra 705 or ET comes out to play . They can get interference but it is much more manageable and they have better target info than the Nox i think .

My beaches are also some of the trashiest beaches in the UK and riddled with Iron and Aluminium , sometimes it amazes me that in the past i have got so much off the beaches in those places i search .

Any how the Nox has its places to search and with an Anderson shaft i can switch to the Terra anytime and cover what the Nox cant and vise versa .

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I haven’t had a chance to visit the beach here in NC, but I’m curious to see how my nox 600 will handle it. One thing I’m finding that helps cut trash signals 99.9 is using my f-pulse pointer at max sensitivity pulling top soil trash/ good targets 5” then going back over with the nox 600 for deeper in same area. 

Nuke em about how many hours was put in to find all those coins at the beach? I’m curious as I have not hunted there yet.



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23 hours ago, “Spartan800” said:

One thing I’m finding that helps cut trash signals 99.9 is using my f-pulse pointer at max sensitivity pulling top soil trash/ good targets 5” then going back over with the nox 600 for deeper in same area.

Would you mind going into a bit more detail on your technique here?  I'm confused as to the steps involved.

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i use the pin pointer first to canvas a small area, preferably around shaded areas under trees or somewhere people sit or move about, play sports around.

the $ in this technique is having the Fisher F-Pulse because it penetrates the ground deeper than other pointers, enough to get most the trash targets up before using the metal detector itself. 

This also eliminates “signals” billing out deeper targets. Plus the f-pulse is fun to detect with by itself. 

The technique is crouching to the ground or on hands and knees using the pin pointer flat to the ground and using a sweeping motion. It’s may be tedious for some, but I quite enjoy it as I am pulling almost everything out of the ground at 4” on full sensitivity. This is also sharpening  my skills pin pointing  with the F-Pulse on targets unsurfaced in the ground.




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Almost afraid to see what the ground looks like after you've had a go at it.  Lol.

If you are going to dig everything, why not just use the Equinox to detect those targets and dig accordingly, at least you will have some idea what you are going to dig up in most cases?  Not seeing what the advantage is of using a pinpointer that is just telling you that you have a conductive target under its nose.  If you want to ignore deep targets, you can just dial back the sensitivity on the Equinox.

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