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2017 In Oz, A Short Story DD

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Hi DDancer... many thanks for this highly descriptive and interesting insight into your trip to the Kalgoorlie area.  Excellent illustrative photos, and appreciate your expertise with the rocks and minerals. You managed to find some gold, and you certainly dined like a King!!! Doesn't get much better than that IMO, thanks for sharing it with us. :cool:



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Great photos and thanks for sharing...looks like you are living the dream. keep posting so we can keep dreaming.


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Fred as hard as I hunted I dont think anyone would have cleaned up better ?  I did leave some behind however so they are there for the taking.  The region around Kal is pretty well flogged however with a dozer and permit to push there's still plenty about.  I walked onto many old and new pushes and drove by several active ones.  Even had a few chats with the local miners who stopped by to see what I was about.  Good folks as long as your doing it right and legal.  Lots of stories to like the one about the dog grave near one of my camps to be heard from them too.

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There's no doubt that there is something special about the wilds of Ozz, but the days of finding easy gold here are gone. Sure there is still good gold to be found, but unless you are prepared to outlay big money on a lease or claim, and have the know how to put the pegs in the right area, you may be in for a generous helping of disappointment. I have met a number of folk from the USA who have come here with the idea that they will pay for their holiday and take some gold home. Well, twenty years ago that may have been a possibility, but these days......

 The detector shops and the manufacturers would have you believe that the gold is just everywhere, waiting for you to come along and pick it up. So do the gold tour operators. Metal detectors these days have evolved to find smaller and smaller gold. This may be great for the hobbyist who likes to go hope with a few specks, but those few specks don't cover your costs, if that is what you are hoping for.

 By all means come to Ozz for an unforgettable experience, but unless you have contacts to get you on good ground, or you hit a real long shot, the reality is that you will be very lucky to find much at all.

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Reality; for those that can't stand drugs...a t-shirt quote my kids gave me long ago.

You are quite correct Reg. The easy gold was hard to find in 2000, 2003 and 2010 and is more scarce now. I went three times, twice with Doug Stone and once with Mark Hyde, with a side trip to visit Doug.

I never went expecting to get rich or even pay all my expenses. Nonetheless, I would do it one more time if health issues get out of my way...because I love OZ!



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