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Problems With The Fisher F-Pulse

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I sent my F-Pulse back for a full refund. It had to be defective and I just didn't like it. Not knocking something that didn't work because I have read many positive reviews and if Steve H says it's good I am sure it is. I am just not going to risk waiting for another one.  Profind 35 here we come

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I have been trying out the F-Pulse, but having a lot of trouble with falsing, to the point that I wonder if the unit is defective.  When it begins falsing, I do the touch-to-earth-and-hit-button  to re-balance, but often 15 seconds later the falsing is back.

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After using my F-pulse for a couple months, I just can't seem to get through a couple of successive detecting outings without some annoying issue. The issues I have had lately are 1. Unit will make semmingly random loud beeps while using inside a hole and I've wondered if it is the alarm it makes when you forget to turn it off. 2. Unit will beep slowly all the while when seeking a target in a hole. I havnt tried a retune while touching bare ground enough to see if it's a fix. 3. It seems to freeze up about once per time out with it, so that's as annoying as changing batteries with each use. All considered, I'm about ready to put it up on eBay. I'm just not accustomed to so many issues as compared to the Garrett carrot,  pp11 or original pp. 

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I have to admit I am feeling a bit lucky after reading some of the issues people are having, especially since my F-Pulse was an early one. Sounds like there have been upgrades since. Two software versions.

I am in bad ground and if I do not put tip to ground when firing the unit up it will slowly beep in the hole. A quick tap on the button with tip to the ground will also tune the ground out if I forget.

Everything else however sounds like bugs or bad units. I am sorry you folks are having problems. It is a shame so many new detector’s and pinpointers bite people in the butt in the early months, especially when it is the most loyal customers/early adopters that get bit.

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I have a later model Tek-Point, and I love it. I prefer a powerful, sensitive pinpointer just like I prefer a powerful, sensitive machine. With great power come more quirks. I've become accustomed to those quirks after using the TRX for so long. Different technologies, but same principle. The more power you put out and take in the more response you'll receive from your environment, wanted and unwanted. Coming from a carrot to a Tek-Point or F-Pulse is like going from an AT-Pro to an early F75 LTD. Some people were not able to harness the high gain and sensitivity after coming from such a well behaved machine like the AT-Pro. Also high EMI environments caused instability. The later DST brought more stability to the F75 in high EMI environments, but also sacrificed some depth and sensitivity. It could be that some of what people are experiencing is the natural consequence of maxing out a powerful pinpointer and scaling it down to a lower level will make it more stable. The power is still there if you can use it elsewhere. I don't know this to be the case for those having issues, but just a thought. I'm absolutely loving mine. 

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  • 1 month later...

It sucks that detectorist are experiencing these glitches with the f-pulse. I did a bit of testing on underground plumbing areas and found that the pulse induction HITS HARD on bigger metal objects from at further distances. Case and point: if there’s a treasure chest in the ground the PI from f-pulse will most likely hit on it because of how large it is. But most people won’t dig the first foot of dirt thinking it was just falsing the whole time.

when I’m next to metal picnic tables the f-pulse starts sensing it from 5ft away. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/20/2018 at 7:06 PM, Johnnysalami1957 said:

Got it! Loved it! It broke after 4 hrs. Intermittent shutdowns. Sending to Fisher for a new one. I am oddly missing it.....

Got a new one with the latest software. Staying on now and seems fine. Pretty fast turnaround and I hope it stays good because I like it. 

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