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Newbie Asking: Do I Dig A One-way Chirp?

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Hi Peeps, new member here, so hello all.

Ok so ....  A lot of the time im getting a one way chirp on the nox which shows a good VDI.  Is this a coin on edge, is it worth a dig?   I seem to get this a lot, so surely they cant all be on edge coins.


Another weird one is that i get a moderate signal, but then when i really brush the coil against the grass, (to decrease depth of target)  it then shows a good vdi. Is this falsing or am i getting nearer to the target? Again ...  Seems to happen a lot.


Thanks. Andy.

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For me the one way chirps, especially if I can't get it to repeat after rotating around the target are usually some type of iron.  But they do, at times sound very good when approaching from one direction.  If in doubt dig it up.  I will add one thing, if you're getting a lot of those one way chirps, drop the sensitivity down a bit.  It will help....

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1 hour ago, Andy2640 said:

A lot of the time im getting a one way chirp on the nox which shows a good VDI.

Are you running with discriminate on or off (toggle horseshoe button)?  My guess is that you are running with discrimination and missing the low conductor signal because it is below threshold.  I suspect in "all metal" you will get a high tone one direction and a low tone the other.  I haven't noticed this much with the Eqx (more frequent with other detectors) and one time I dug a target it was a keeper.  However what Mark said about possibly "some type of iron" is the likely culprit.  Until you know the (any) detector inside and out, I'd just dig it.  That's the best way to learn.

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Thanks you 2.  I sometimes run with horse shoe on, others off.  I perhaps will stick to one or the other next time.  I know that in practice on a silver coin on edge, it will chirp one way only most of the time.  


I think i will dig pretty much them all, just to get confirmation and feedback.  

For a site with iron on every sweep, what iron bias would you suggest?  Iron bias is the only thing that puzzles me with the nox, even after reading numerous articles etc.


Thanks in advance, good to be amongst people who know their stuff.

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You got good advice above.  You always take chances when you "play the odds" but I think this whole coin on edge thing is just way overblown. 

I recommend that if you DO get a one way chirp you use one additional tool in the Equinox toolbox.  You never actually said what program you were using, but assuming you were using Park or Field 1 to optimize for high conductors (the modes that seem to "suffer" the most from the coin-on-edge tests, then simply switch from your main search profile (e.g., Park 1) to a mode that has a different conductivity bias (e.g., Park 2 or Field 2).  The "2" modes have been shown to hit harder on the on-edge targets so if you still get a one-way chirp after pivoting, going to All Metal, and after switching to an alternate mode, you have even more information to make that dig/no-dig decision.  The easy way to set this up is to save an "opposite" program in your user profile slot and then just select your "main" search program from the detect menu.  For example, set up Park 2 with your preferred user settings then save it into the user profile slot.  Do your field searching with Park 1 and then if you get an iffy one-way, you can instantly switch between Park 1 and Park 2 (in user profile) or vice versa if you prefer to hunt in Park 2 (or Field 2).   Since each of the modes sort of emulate a different detector through the "magic" of Multi IQ, switching modes on the fly like that is almost like asking your hunting partner with a different detector to come over and swing their coil over your mystery target. 

If you are going to use this "switch modes" target interrogation method I recommended, you need to also make sure you noise cancel and ground balance (if necessary) the alternate search profile BEFORE you first use it during your detecting session, so it is ready to go on demand.  Not only does the Equinox act like different detectors when the search profiles are switched, each search profile/mode needs to be treated like a separate detector when it comes to noise cancelling and ground balancing because these adjustments are dependent upon and unique to the MultiIQ profile of each mode.

In the mean time, regardless, I agree the best way to learn what the machine is telling you is to dig it all until you get comfortable playing those odds.  Some never get comfortable and go by the "when in doubt, dig it out" rule. And will only leave targets they are 100% convinced are junk in the ground.  (I have never been 100% convinced of anything when it comes to metal detecting, lol).

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Shouldnt be a threshold issue........ the Nox doesnt run with a TRUE threshold..... its basiclly noise except in Gold mode.   So its not an issue of breaking the threshold.... it would be more of an issue of the phones respond capability.   The Nox likes minerals/iron and chirps a bit more it also seems a bit more sensitive to the coil scrub.   Lot of reasons to cause a false signal....... to much sensitivity, a weak target, IB to high, sweep speed to fast along with a high recovery speed... chopping signals, coil flip...... on and on.    The machine will take some learning as to what is or isnt a DEEP signal.   Until then you have to do some of the ole coil wiggle over targets to see if you can get a repeat......... if not move on.

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On 7/3/2018 at 8:44 AM, Andy2640 said:

For a site with iron on every sweep, what iron bias would you suggest?  Iron bias is the only thing that puzzles me with the nox, even after reading numerous articles etc.

If you are sure it is iron with every sweep  (can be confirmed in pinpoint mode) and not ground feedback (i.e., -7 to -9 VDIs when in All Metal which is telling you should ground balance), then you are in a bed of nails situation and I would advise against running any iron bias whatsoever because it will tend to keep you from hearing masked non-ferrous targets.

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On 7/4/2018 at 6:16 AM, Chase Goldman said:

You got good advice above.  You always take chances when you "play the odds" but I think this whole coin on edge thing is just way overblown. 

I recommend that if you DO get a one way chirp you use one additional tool in the Equinox toolbox.  You never actually said what program you were using, but assuming you were using Park or Field 1 to optimize for high conductors (the modes that seem to "suffer" the most from the coin-on-edge tests, then simply switch from your main search profile (e.g., Park 1) to a mode that has a different conductivity bias (e.g., Park 2 or Field 2).  The "2" modes have been shown to hit harder on the on-edge targets so if you still get a one-way chirp after pivoting, going to All Metal, and after switching to an alternate mode, you have even more information to make that dig/no-dig decision.  The easy way to set this up is to save an "opposite" program in your user profile slot and then just select your "main" search program from the detect menu.  For example, set up Park 2 with your preferred user settings then save it into the user profile slot.  Do your field searching with Park 1 and then if you get an iffy one-way, you can instantly switch between Park 1 and Park 2 (in user profile) or vice versa if you prefer to hunt in Park 2 (or Field 2).   Since each of the modes sort of emulate a different detector through the "magic" of Multi IQ, switching modes on the fly like that is almost like asking your hunting partner with a different detector to come over and swing their coil over your mystery target. 

If you are going to use this "switch modes" target interrogation method I recommended, you need to also make sure you noise cancel and ground balance (if necessary) the alternate search profile BEFORE you first use it during your detecting session, so it is ready to go on demand.  Not only does the Equinox act like different detectors when the search profiles are switched, each search profile/mode needs to be treated like a separate detector when it comes to noise cancelling and ground balancing because these adjustments are dependent upon and unique to the MultiIQ profile of each mode.

In the mean time, regardless, I agree the best way to learn what the machine is telling you is to dig it all until you get comfortable playing those odds.  Some never get comfortable and go by the "when in doubt, dig it out" rule. And will only leave targets they are 100% convinced are junk in the ground.  (I have never been 100% convinced of anything when it comes to metal detecting, lol).

Chase, your advice was very helpful and simple for me to understand. I like the idea of using an alternate mode in order to confirm or reject, excellent advice and much appreciated.  Even today i was getting loads of one way chirps.  Your spot on regarding the modes being like 2 different detectors, and i still dont know which one i prefer, out of them all,  although park 2 seems to get me more results at the expense of more chirpy detecting, but field 1 seems a lot quieter, but i seem to get less finds.


Ive probably had about 80 hours on the nox now, and im still sometimes baffled as to what its telling me, but each and every time i go out with her, i know how capable the machine is, and thats a nice feeling.


Thanks Chase, much appreciated.

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10 hours ago, dewcon4414 said:

Shouldnt be a threshold issue........ the Nox doesnt run with a TRUE threshold..... its basiclly noise except in Gold mode.   So its not an issue of breaking the threshold.... it would be more of an issue of the phones respond capability.   The Nox likes minerals/iron and chirps a bit more it also seems a bit more sensitive to the coil scrub.   Lot of reasons to cause a false signal....... to much sensitivity, a weak target, IB to high, sweep speed to fast along with a high recovery speed... chopping signals, coil flip...... on and on.    The machine will take some learning as to what is or isnt a DEEP signal.   Until then you have to do some of the ole coil wiggle over targets to see if you can get a repeat......... if not move on.

Excellent advice, and makes  A LOT of sense to what im experiencing.  Guys you've been a great help!  Thanking you kindly!

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