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The Equinox Curse

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5 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

When you think you know everything you find out you really don’t know anything.

 Some great finds you got there .


Ain't That the truth. It's a never ending process. But that is half the fun of it isn't it?

4 hours ago, Alluminati said:

The Equinox really likes that style of earring for some reason. Nice.

Hollow, incomplete circle gold or silver. It hits it pretty well. Just think every beach or park has those targets, as well as gold chains still hidden there from 100+ years of losing those items. That is what keeps me going back to the areas I hunt.

3 hours ago, Buzzard said:

From digging All...I got a nice collection of foil , pull tabs , and bottle caps , plus other goodies...

Unfortunately that is the drawback of it, especially if you are hunting parks. But eventually you can clear the more modern trash out of an area and concentrate on the deeper targets.

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It's frustrating at times.  I remember hitting and old neighborhood ball field and the first foil target dug was a gold band. 20 some pcs of foil later I hung it up and left. LOL


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Oh can I ever relate to this!  I, too am cursed to digging foil for a long time.  I frequently hunt a old large park that is full of trash.  One day I hit a spot where I.’ve pulled several pieces of silver, when I hit a solid “1” that appeared to be kinda long and shallow.  It didn’t give the iron grunt, but I wanted to ignore it.  I actually walked away but curiosity got the best of me.  I plunged my digger in and was couldn’t believe what was hanging from the plug.  I sliced it in two, but I quickly found the other half. It’s plated, but sure made me aware of what I could be passing up.



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That would have been a heart stopper if it was not plated. Nice design too. I went out today again to a different beach. This beach is loaded with small rocks that read a solid 1. I dug those all day long because of that earring :laugh: but no gold for me today.

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