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Old Patch Re-Hunted With The SDC

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I was able to get away over the weekend to check out one of my old patches here in AZ with the SDC 2300. This particular spot has been really good to me over the years. It has spit out tons of nuggets, but most have been small & under a gram. A few friends and I have worked it hard using VLFs and the newer PI machines like the GPX 5000 and 4500. My last trip there with the 5000 only netted me two tiny ones, so I thought it would be a good spot to test out the SDC. This machine doesn’t penetrate as deep as the GPX, but what it lacks in depth it more than makes up for in sensitivity. A couple hours of hunting produced 14 nuggets; most of which came from places I know I had scrubbed before. Total weight was around two grams. For small, shallow gold in highly mineralized dirt, the SDC definitely tops my list. Here's the loot..



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Good Gold!

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The first nugget I ever found was with an SDC this year and even though I recently purchased a GPZ that I mostly use now, I still take my SDC out occasionally and still find gold with it.

I think the compact design is brilliant, I've been thinking for years how nice it'd be to have a metal detector that folded down that you could put in a backpack.

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Hey Chris,


   Good hit with the SDC.  I think I'm going to sell mine though, I'm finding gold just as small and double the depth of the SDC 2300.  I love the fact the SDC can fold up and pack into places easy, but it's hard to beat the new GPZ 7000 outside the price.  :o

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