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Everything posted by Johnnysalami1957

  1. Gee all I wanted was to ask is if I should wait LMAO! Already made up my mind to get a D2.......
  2. I'm definitely getting a DEUS II. I need the lightest machine available because of a worn out shoulder being replaced soon. Should I wait until the supposed bugs are addressed like lower shaft flex and other issues? Maybe other coil options I don't know.
  3. They need to stop cooking the lower shaft so much. It needs to be al dente!
  4. I won't bend over for less than $50! I thought you cancelled your Deus order? That's bull^hit shipping cost. That sight has so many popups I can't stand it.
  5. IMO best stand ever made fits everything and folds too.https://www.seriousdetecting.com/product/makro-metal-detector-stand-racer-series-compatible-round-shafts/ https://www.seriousdetecting.com/product/nokta-makro-stand-impact/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwuMuRBhCJARIsAHXdnqP1uWTDjZzTgJdDWLP-3nqaup6fBVIAff9Jf_MlZzaYPfk_dbrpOe0aAtnIEALw_wcB
  6. Looks likes the testing of machines in this hobby has taken a turn for the worse. I took out an old Treasure Pro yesterday and found 2 silvers, an old double edge razor and an earring. That was in High Trash the sensitivity set to ridiculous, and a dog barking in my ear all day. Nice to see so many people getting exercise jumping to conclusions. Looks like the manufacturer is going to pop an aneurysm.
  7. It should show up as $10.00 you have the settings off.
  8. My wife rarely goes with me, but keeps all the good stuff. I just keep dragging that seal off the ice pack!
  9. I don't know why they didn't figure this out years ago. I never really had any metal detector that could not react to a coin at 4" though. So you must be in really tough soil. Could you please post a video of the actual test you did? I fully understand what you are saying.
  10. That's called tuition! Thanks, because I wasn't sure about the frequency. I know about the poor shielding in the control pods. That may be easily addressed.
  11. The coil on a metal detector is an antenna. The more sensitive the antenna the more emi affects it. It's not just the power grid, It's everywhere. One way to shield yourself is distance from the source. alternative methods would be to use shielded cables in the power grid which isn't going to happen. Power is transmitted on uninsulated cables for 100s of miles. Frequency is 60 cycles in the USA and countless harmonics. Power is flowing through the earth and creates potential differences between points in the ground. It seems that metal detectors are designed from 4 to over 60 HZ so they are basically designed to be bothered by this frequency. through no fault of their own. Just like driving a car with the AM radio on near a overhead power line. Receivers are just that designed to receive. If you turn on a TV and have no signal you'll see the white fuzz and hiss. That's the sound of the universe that the receiver is receiving and interpreting as a picture. It's never going away. Just have to tune the sensitivity down or change the frequency of the receiver to an acceptable workable level. Or move!
  12. I don't know if I'd spend the coin on this. I do like it but there are other options at this price point. https://www.ebay.com/itm/333795649080?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  13. Now what would happen if the mine had a receiver in the trigger that detected the mine detector.......
  14. Maybe FE2 is the second attempt to get FE right! Should have made FE with 20 segments of adjustments all equal....
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