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Everything posted by Tometusns

  1. Mark, the Equinox has been a definite game changer for me!! ?
  2. Thanks GB, It was a crazy year for Indians. I was finding them right along hitting yards in town but the last several months I've been going to old schools and churches. The silver count dropped off some but the indian head penny count shot up. One church gave up 18 Indians and 2 v- nickels along with several other artifacts. I actually found 69 Indians total. My wife got me an indian head book for Christmas and I have put the dates in it that I didn't already have. I know I'll never complete it but it's fun trying to fill them with your metal detector finds. I have a mercury dime book I've been working on for quite a while and reached 49 in it. I got a 1921 mercury this year which was cool. Notice in the pic of the merc's the black marks by three of the dates. My son when he was younger found those and wrote his name by them. When he got older we had the book out one day and he said hmm I better get those and put them with my collection.. lol. I sure like hunting with him when we can. Tom
  3. I got my Equinox 800 on Feb. 9th and can't imagine hunting with anything else. The pic doesn't have everything found because some coins and war buttons along with some bullets are either in books or a display. Yep! I'm an Equinox fan!! Thanks for looking.
  4. Appears to be an old pocket knife to me. A really cool one. Nice find Schoolofhardnox! (If it's not an old pocket knife it's cool whatever it is?)
  5. SchoolofhardNox me too! One of these days I'd love to go back east and do some treasure hunting. Both the Indians and barber came from old churches built in the late 1800's. Thanks!
  6. Thanks Tim. It's a little rough but had good details. I'm still going to old schools and churches for the most part. The bullets were about a half mile from an old fort. There were some finds that did come from some old foundations we hunted.
  7. Got a little variety just not a whole lot of anything. Still using pk1, 5 tones, recovery 7, iron bias 3. I did switch over to field 2 when I dug the bullets but I have it set up the same as pk1.
  8. Hmm, very interesting. I have such a park that I will try that out at. I'll let ya know if any more good targets show up.
  9. Tim, location dictates when I dig a lot of middle numbers. Last month I stopped at an old church I had hunted long ago as well as a bevy of other hunters. I wasn't expecting to much but find a couple Indians. Sweet!! I went back the next day three more, next morning six. Altogether I got 18 Indians and 2 v- nickels and some wheaties . After having some good fortune at an old church I went to a couple more with a couple old schools thrown in as well. I'm not getting the silver I was in yards but I'm having a blast finding some neat stuff. So far I've only hit one old church that didn't give up any old stuff. Deer season has slowed down the treasure hunting but I'll still be getting out some. Thanks, Tom
  10. Thanks Cal, Yes, it was good for 10 cents on a purchase of kwik solv. My favorite was one good for a 10 cent cigar.
  11. I think they were all made into something and someone cut them up. All 20 centavos from 50's &60's found in a yard.
  12. I think Oct was Indian head penny month for me. Not much silver but some cool tokens, shot two ringer, boy scout fob, indian war cuff button, only a couple v- nickels. I gave an 1886 indian to a friend which made 31 total for the month. Mostly old churches and schools. Same settings if it ain't broke don't fix it. Pk1 recovery7, iron bias 3. I learned something last month about digging deep targets(10+") pay attention to the numbers and depth meter the sound although it will hit the target may not be as sweet as you like. One old church had two inches or so of sod then six or more inches of chat before you got to the dirt again but quite a few of those Indians and wheaties were in that deep dirt.
  13. Still using mine and have no complaints. Maybe I shouldn't but rain hasn't stopped me from hunting with them either...so far so good.
  14. Wow!! GKman, that's an awesome hunt there!! Here in SWMo. any large cent would make my day. Looks like you had a really fun day. Tom
  15. Mike, I've been kinda thinking about one too. I owned one in the past as well and hunted with it a while. I found some good stuff with it but I didn't like how it hit on rusty bottle caps so I traded it off. Now after using many other detectors and realizing a lot of them like rusty bottle caps (my deus LOVED them) there are tells that will help you in deciding whether to dig or not. The 705 gave plenty of tells but I just didn't like the fact it hit them. I think now I may have given up on it too soon and like you have been thinking about picking one up. I just don't know if I would feel comfortable swinging anything else where I hunt besides the 800.... but if a used one comes along for the right price I'll probably own it. What to do? What to do?... lol, good luck & HH!! Tom
  16. The V Nickel was about 5" around some roots and around the 11-12 tone I received, were some other mid conductor trash (can slaw, a pop top, and some deeper iron that I left in the ground). But in between all those competing tones, the 6" coil narrowed in on a quieter but solid nickel tone. This is my second V and the ground is really hard on nickels in my area, but at least I can make out the date on this one. 1907. Tim, I'm very happy you posted the 11/12 numbers on that v- nickel. It confirms what I had posted earlier this year. I've dug 18 buffalo's, 15 v's and 2 shield nickels this year with my 800 and although I can't give you an exact count many were 11/12's one even had a 10 pop in once or twice on a really worn v. Location has a lot to do with what I dig but 11/12 are good numbers to me. Nice hunt and good info buddy!!
  17. Nice job Tim!! I really like the six inch but still use the stock a lot too. I think they compliment each other very well.
  18. I know, it's kinda odd but oh well. Just so happened the one I found was the no cents version. I've got a couple of the 83 w/cents that I picked up (non dug) so I was happy this one didn't have it. Thanks for the input, enjoyed reading it.
  19. The 8 coins are missouri tax tokens. The 3 are 2v- nickels (83&84)and an 1895 Indian penny. All found in the same hole stacked on top of each other. They came out one at a time but you could tell they were on top of each other. It was kinda cool I thought.
  20. Using pk1 5 tones recovery 7 iron bias 3 for the most part.
  21. Never found one but those are very cool!! Nice finds!
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