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Everything posted by Norvic

  1. I think KL gave the correct answer, ya cant put the egg before the chook.
  2. Aye lightweight around 10x6 elliptical mono would be bees knees for me.
  3. Aye GC we sure are in a better place with the 6K in regards to coils, I love the 17 tis lightweight for its size and being eliptical is suitable to push through that grass. Looking forward to the annual property owner burns to put it over some deep country the Z w/. 19 and X17CC coils scored on, see if it can sniff out a few deepies.
  4. Small coil sizes, increased sensitivity, more reaction to ground etc etc, takes me back to the swing from low frequency VLFs to higher frequency of the GM2 and GB2 with their small ellipticals and their productive popular performance, to just yesterday the success of the smaller X coils on the Z, tis elementary Coiltek and ML a small elliptical mono for the 6K will sell like hot cakes not just in the US but OZ too. You ever detect in FNQ OZ grass up around your ears you`ll know where I`m coming from.😉
  5. I don't know what more Greg can say then he has, seed of doubt has been planted, anything he says will just fertilise it. I have taken the stand that JW and Greg are two different people. If this stand is not correct tis no bother as I'm simply a member, whereas for you Steve it is a bother and I respect your view and apologise for starting the thread.
  6. Tis a small problem the rod twisting, I think the simple solution is drill holes and insert the spring loaded holders as per JPs thoughts at length used, but it is not a big enough an issue for me as yet.
  7. True as we age a lot of us become stuck in muds, tis true also not just in detecting but all pursuits, I know I started out with blinkers on and could not see the trees for the forest, now I try not to use preconceived ideas about where gold is, what detector to use etc etc. I`ll put the 6K on a pedestal up against all others as the machine that will introduce more to become successful gold detector operators than any before. Its simplicity, its ergonomics, but most of all its sensitivity because regardless of alternative beliefs, the small sub grammers are the prospectors staple diet wherever. (and while I haven`t prospected wherever I eat beef) It is the Gold Monster/SDC ie. VLF/PI cross that gives both beyond VLF depth and beyond PI sensitivity. Its not just different its MLs evolution, but no doubt they have something else up their sleeve.
  8. Coz it does, nylon tie and Bobs your Uncle.😉
  9. GPD... You`ve gone from the GB2 that proved itself a legend to the 6Ks that`s well on its way to doing the same, WTG
  10. Ohi that'll be tops KL, seems to date only that unsightly raw unprocessed stuff has been found, ah ha 💡 that's why that Nurse fella has been tromping over OZ....
  11. 1,500-Year-Old Gold Treasure Trove Found by Danish Man – ARTnews.com Wow, Eye candy of a different kind ‘Enormous’ treasure trove of sixth century gold found in Denmark - Saudi Gazette
  12. Aye they are 40% deeper and you do......... 🤪
  13. Seems that light colored clothings the go in my backyard for both sun and insect avoidance but that`s 1000s of ks diagonally opposite in OZ from where Pegs inquiring of, plus our winter has few insects, total contrast to WA.
  14. Wasps the big red one are painful beggars, they don`t lose their sting when they hit you thus sting repeat ably. Nicknamed locally Red Barons for a good reason.
  15. Thank you DFG, I hope your post has cleared the air it certainly has to me, aye I am a X coil enthusiast, a ML enthusiast, a NF enthusiast, a Coiltek enthusiast etc etc an enthusiast of any thing that helps in this crazy passion we share. I look forward to your future posts Greg my handle is Vic. I apologize to you JW for having enough doubt to start this thread but at the same time I am very happy I gave it a shot. I hope one day to go over the ditch and visit you folks and flog your patches😁
  16. I'm lucky being in a remote area, thus haven't even tried the 14DD, EMF from an occasional light plane and seems strangely, only one of them ( must have a high level MD onboard😉) and no power poles within cooee, but the Zs always handy tis hard to part with the model immediately before until ones sure the newies the go.
  17. Yeh appears like from this backers view not really a con more a bunch of enthusiasts having a go at something way above their ability, but that is the nature of crowd funding, many disasters with an odd win. Time and I suspect finance is running out for this one, as the 2 year initial supply date anniversary is near. Aye sometimes when you take the risk you push the pram.
  18. Nah DFG, I`m a selfish bugger but X coil will send JP one now they know MLs struggling to supply him.😁 Nah Nah JP put down the axe I`m just havin fun............. gotta go the 17s vibrating with excitement..........
  19. Aye, as we age fitness becomes even more important in this mad game even the most important asset as the customer is to business. Ah JP bear your aches and pains as badges of age it helps dull them, now I'm back on the hip stick, guide arm etc, back to 4/5 hour days, was fun swinging that lightweight 11" mono nearly got back to the daylight to dark days of memory. Crazy bloody game but there's another bigun out there, even another patch, that GoG drives us and we wouldn't have it any other way. It was said many ML detectors back last century, what is ML going to come up with next? come on JP a wee hint we won't tell em you told us.😉
  20. Hardly big they were subgrammers, where did you get the big assumption from .............. but to answer your question they are no longer in the ground.🤪
  21. Nah Hotsauce your on the same wacko trip, we are a bunch of sun touched xters...
  22. Yeah let's keep this positive, tis about what gets the Gold for users who like to tinker, the spice of life for some but not so for others. Simply maybe another separate thread for negative views. Wonder will that DD 6K chip be suitable for a X coil concentric on the 6K, as stated in a previous thread my 14DDs available for such.
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