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Everything posted by mn90403

  1. Repeat after me ... Effective, Light, Affordable ... it will find gold.
  2. I know, I know ... I'm SOOOOO excited. Steve, this is an alchemy shortcut! Now you don't have to waste time with transformations ... you just find the real thing with ease. alchemy - the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir. But ... why would anyone make more than one? Ok, ok ... I got it again now ... I'll just rent mine (free labor) for a percentage.
  3. Steve, Just one question. Can I wear my steel toed boots? Mitchel
  4. You will see the screen! You will see it better ... now let me see ... I didn't have my polarized sunglasses on so I don't know what the screen will look like but it is sometimes unreadable with my sunglasses.
  5. If you want the BEST display possible go out and get an anti-glare screen protector. Last week I went into my local Radio Shack and about the only thing they had left were screen protectors. I have bought these in the past and put them on my detector screens. It is not a big improvement from my perspective. I didn't buy the right product it seems. I now have bought the ANTI-GLARE kind. BIG difference Hurry out to your local Radio Shack before they close and get 3 of these protectors made for digital cameras and camcorders. My brand was PointMobl. They are easy to cut because they already have rectangle lines you can follow. You will feel great outside day or night. Mitchel
  6. Well done Swifty including the filling in of the hole at the end. That was a deep, loud little guy for the size. I think if someone had not read it was a .6grammer up front they would never believe their eyes when you only got IT. I've been there and dug those but they are getting very hard to find now. We know these are left because the GPXs missed them. There are still some 2300 nuggets out there. You are on 9 with a high smoothing. That will be different than many who will watch this. The only thing that I think we are missing is how 'faint' the signal was before you set up the camera. You had taken a couple of scrapes and you hoped it was going to be a nugget. How faint was it? Mitchel
  7. Good job Dave. You guys have just been treated to the finds of one of the best guys in all the basin and beyond. Go to YouTube and see a few of his hunts. Google him and read some of his wisdom. Mitchel
  8. Steve, I want someone to design a stand that will let you release the detector and it will be much higher than just laying it on the ground. If there were two legs that could be popped out of the stand (just like propping it up against a tree or bush) then it would take a lot of pressure off the shaft and coil ears when digging. It could be free-standing like a tripod. I know people who have broken the 7000 shaft because it was propped against their leg, belly or whatever as it began to slide and they were digging a target. I have broken coil ears on the 3030 coils for that reason. I lean it against me and try to dig wet beach sand at the same time. Snap ... You don't want to lay these detectors in the water or sometimes in the dust. Do you get what I mean? Mitchel
  9. It will be better than the gold I'm going to find on a night beach hunt I'm going on soon!! They will clean up nice and rough. Mitchel
  10. A dealer told me presales have sold out all of the first shipments that they expect to get by the end of May. That was their 'take' on the availability. They didn't know how long the wait will be for a new order unless you find a dealer with an allocation that was not presold.
  11. Lunk, All of the reviews I have seen so far on the Monster have been about it going over 'worked out' patches or previously worked patches to test its sensitivity to small gold. (Going to where gold has been found before.) That is ok, I guess. When given the task of testing a new detector you can't just 'dial up' a new patch. I've held one of the Monsters. I would use it in places like where you went but also in more difficult to reach 'spots' just from a weight and ergonomic perspective. Some places where we don't look for gold is because it is too difficult taking a heavy and big detector with us. (I guess someone could have gone there with a GB2 or a Pro like Steve did on the Alaska tailing piles.) This is what I wonder. How does this detector react to a big piece of gold? Big is a relative term but let's say anything over 5 grams. Did you plant any test nuggets like that? Mitchel
  12. Thanks Lunk. Now you make me wonder what it would do in a virgin patch! Do you 'clean up' with a 7000? haha Mitchel
  13. Ok Fred. Are you finished with all the congratulations? Did you have a really good time? You took some nice pictures. NOW, the next time you get out there put more nuggets in your poke. (More weight too!) I know you can do it. Some of us need a kick in the ass once in a while. haha Mitchel
  14. Good report from a reliable source. Thanks Steve. Mitchel
  15. Well ... let me think about it this way ... what prospecting type of area would the 1000 be better at than the 7000 or 2300?
  16. If I have a 7000 and 2300 and a Gold Bug Pro ... which one will take a seat if I get a 1000? The GB Pro sits most of the time already.
  17. I'm 'out' on this one. It is not satisfying.
  18. Jim, Thanks for your article link. Well done. It is an answer to my question well beyond my expectations. Mitchel
  19. Fred, I have Leland's long handle pick now and it is perfect for the 7000. I carry it over my shoulder and that puts the metal a long way from the coil. It also lets me dig deep holes without getting on my knees. I have a collection of about 8-9 other picks I don't use much any more and normally have about 5 with me from big to small. Mitchel
  20. Mark, Is that a weld you did? I'm hooked on the series Forged in Fire now. It is interesting to see 'something' made from 'nothing.' Good work. Mitchel
  21. I thought Bunk stopped making those. I bought a short handle one and left it on his claim (never to be found) and I left the second one in a parking lot of a meteorite hunt (I had just found a specimen with 1.5oz of gold) and I had to let the 'finder' keep it. He's now a good meteorite hunting chum.
  22. Some of you on this forum may never have seen any or all of the episodes of The Meteorite Men. I encourage you to go online and find the episodes and watch as many of them as you can find. This episode is about finding huge meteorites in Kansas. I remember watching it on TV the first time and a couple of times in repeat while they were still showing them a few years back. I remembered this episode because of a sled the boys built and drug across the ground to find some very valuable finds. I did not know them when they were putting together these shows but I have since met them in Tucson and been with many meteorite hunters (some of you are here)! I like this one because it shows some information about ALL meteorite strewn fields and some of the technology they used and still use to find meteorites. I'm sure they have some of the most recent Minelabs like I do which finds meteorites with ease if they are there. Mitchel
  23. I might go to Wyoming but I'll have to make plans.
  24. This post has reminded me of an episode of the Meteorite Men. I didn't know them at the time but I have since met them and other meteorite hunters and they have tools most of us gold hunters don't have. At the time of my first watching of this show I thought it was a bit 'too much' showmanship for me. It turns out they are very diligent hunters and very interested in their chosen Profession. I know some roll their eyes when their name is brought up but production is production in order to get maximum viewers. This episode shows you at the 14:30 minute mark some of the detectors they have used including one that is 18ft square. Another one was made by Orange County Choppers before that team blew up! I think I will repost this in meteorite forum also. Mitchel
  25. Now, let me give the negative ... I just hate watching Wicked Tuna when they put together a 'scene' of fighting a fish or following an idea and you see some of the background is 'glassy' and other times it is 'rough' with wind waves. It drives me crazy! I do know they do that with the gold shows too but am I supposed to watch Prime Time? NEVER
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