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Everything posted by NuggetBob

  1. Weedoggie, fry that ol snake up with some beer batter!
  2. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Good on ya russ, them be some purty nuggets!
  3. This feller is a prospector and uses an InReach http://www.goldandtreasure.com/gold-prospecting-search-and-rescue-delorme-inreach-explorer/ and I found some info on the GPAA site too http://www.goldprospectors.org/Community/Forum/aft/721 Fancy stuff bygolly!
  4. Sweet Swizzle Sticks! Thats some purdy gold, congrats!
  5. Weedoggie! I've found so many weird things, let me chaw on this one. Sometimes them maryjuana growers hang fish hooks in the desert tress where they grow so as to catch officers in the eyes. Dagnabit bastards! Here be more on the hooks http://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs1/1017/marijuan.htm. Keep your guard up in these areas!
  6. Well heck, in high trash areas we used to get a good strong rake and attach some on them super-dooper magnets (neodymium magnets) and do a pre-rake. Boy howdy saves a lot of time no matter what you use vlf or pi. A friend told me about this website for them magnets, they got good service too http://www.gaussboys.com/
  7. My pard is using a nylon heim joint (plastic rod end) setup to make his shafts fold up on his Minelab SD and 3500. Will be slick if he pulls it off right.
  8. Well shucks! I'll try and get some tin types to share when he works his magic.
  9. Thanks fellas! Campfire talk is what it is and concern is what I'm hearing from folks around the fire. I'll contact Minelab too, see if they will answer. Thanks again for taking the time to help.
  10. My pard is making some prototypes out of ABS and Carbon Fiber shafts, heck, that and a trip to ACE hardware he reckons anyone can build their own for $30. Whohoo!
  11. Weedoggie! Them be some fine gold biscuts!
  12. Welp, I reckon to sell a sack of nuggets for one of these magic wands. But, I'm cornfused. Does Minelab keep, share, sell, store, trade or do some fantastical wonders with my data? Can I fliparoo a switch to turn off the GPS? Can I fliparoo a switch to stop GPS transmissions? Heck, I just dunno, Maybe one of you do or we can call Scooby Doo!
  13. Yeppers, get your butt off the couch and detector on the ground...and travel. Hell I done found gold in all kinds of states and a few virgin patches too along the way.
  14. Sweet swizzle sticks! That's some purty gold, congrats!
  15. What in the world? I'm as confused as a newborn in a topless bar!
  16. Weedoggie! That's some fancy fingerwork on the ol' keybored.
  17. Weedogie, I'm stumped! Hope its good for ya whatever the mystery medal is. Where's Scooby Doo?
  18. Well shuck my corn! Maybe the assayer did not perform the assay right. Dagnabit, even the most experienced folks make mistakes. I once saw a blind squirrel find a nut too.
  19. Welp, I feel safer in the middle o' nowhere cuz aint no one there compared to a city. But every now an then 1 in a 1000 people off road is a thief or worse. Just keep your wits about ya and you'll be fine. Been wandering the deep desert and forests fer decades and met a lot of good folks and spent many weeks without seeing another soul.
  20. Weedoggie...happy BDay, gold and green beer!
  21. Detector thief...I'd love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes n shoot him with my ol' forty-five
  22. Well boy howdy Ray! I think you're the feller I met about 7 years back up near Shasta. I was driving my old Jeep and had my old dog with me and a flat. You helped me change her out and we swapped gold bug stories. That's my reckoning
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