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  1. Hi there- I have an odd question and wasn't sure where it put it in the forum. Since the issue occured while coinshooting, I figured I'd drop it here. Long story short is a cheapie 1/4" headphone adapter broke apart inside the audio jack on my MXT Pro, and a piece of it is still lodged inside the jack. It's not like the adapter snapped off inside -- it's more like upon attempting to pull it out of the jack, the adapter disassembled into it's component pieces, and the tip portion and a tiny, hollow metal tube protruding out of it is what's stuck inside the jack (I think). Whatever piece(s) is lodged inside is about 1/4" - 1/2" in from the surface of the box. Like I said, cheap 1/4" adapter from a set of cheap headphones I was trying out. Good news is the external speaker is still blaring just fine, so the machine isn't out of business by any means. I'd like to have the headphone option functioning, however, and obviously don't want to damage anything in the process. Is this a problem anyone else has encountered? I'm wipe open to kind kind of solutions you might have. Thanks!
  2. I understand some of the differences between recent models (different standard coil means different name) but what I'm asking about is changes over the 15+ years this detector has been made. I may find a great deal on a used one sometime and would like to know how much different that particular model might be compared to a brand new one (other than the obvious issues such as warranty). Adendum: As usual I should have looked at Steve's nugget detector review page where there is quite a bit under the MXT pages. Still not quite sure the info there (including link to Jeff Foster's table of differences) covers all the changes. For example, are there only two temporal models, old one being simply 'MXT' and new one simply 'MXT Pro'? And when did changes in operating characteristics occur (good to know since White's models have a sticker inside the battery compartment with date of manufacture)?
  3. I like the 6 x 9 coil for prospecting altho I believe it is a DD coil ,and since I don't have an extra lower rod, I just keep the 6x9 on all the time.I also hunt coins with it. Which coil are you using for your testing? I guess I am also wondering in the field, how many coins are actualy deeeper than 8-9 inches? Altho, in a park in Wisconsin, I dug up a wheat cent at a bonafide 12 inches using a Tesoro Tejon. My entire Lesche digger was in the hole when the coin popped out. It was grass on top, and dry dirt underneath, late summer.That was the deepest coin I've ever found. But the Tejon was an iron magnet so its gone. If it had had the modulated audio like on my Lobo I might have kept it. But no matter if the target was an inch deep or a foot deep, was always the same beep.12 inches with an 8 inch coil is pretty darn good tho and in the ground, not an air test.
  4. Hello all, So, i found myself in a very unusual position this past week of trading a detector, and buying a detector! I just want to preface this by saying, I'm not crazy (hopefully)!! Or on any mind altering substances of any kind!? I'm sure many of you saw Gerry of Gerrysdetectors.com looking to sell a brand new White's MXT Pro! Or trade for a used Nox 800! Well, i did the trade!? I'm sure there are those of you that think I'm crazy! (All comments and opinion's welcome)! Well, I'll try and answer that puzzle?! I've always liked the old school (not old) detector maker's that i grew up knowing! And I always wanted a Whites! And this was one i liked! I already had a few Bounty Hunters, and a Garrett! But due to my too long hiatus from detecting, never got around to the White's! I figured that they would still be around when i was ready! Well, we all know that story! So i was looking to add a new detector to my AT Pro, and Nox 800! Seemed easy enough, and i had been feeling out all the recent models! Than i saw Gerry's ad, and decided to take a different route! I offered to buy, or trade my 800 for the MXT Pro! He went with the trade, which I'm confident we will both be happy with!? They are shipping past one another as we speak! I felt like i wasn't using the 800 to it's fullest extent! And i also knew that next year i would be selling it anyway, before the warranty ran out! So that was where my mind was at! And i knew the White's supply was drying up relatively fast; and i could always revisit a Nox at a later date! Than i saw The post about the Pinky Camo Technetics G2+!! I didn't think i would find a better price close to this, so Sold!! Another direction change! Again, I could have gotten a newer kid on the block, but again decided a tried and true alternative! That's my story for now! I welcome all comments and suggestions! Coil and accessory suggestions, etc... for both detectors! Tell me what you all think!! And if they were bad decisions, it's all Steve H's fault!! I found both of these on his forum!!??(kidding Steve)! Thanks all for your input! And to Gerry and Steve, for furthering my detector addiction! ??
  5. I have an opportunity for a trade, my Mxt with small elliptical coil, for a Xp Orx with HF 9" elliptical coil. Both in good working order, would you make the trade? I like the concept of lighter, a bit more challenging newer detector. Been using the dials and toggle type for a long time. Appears of what I have seen on video the Orx is pretty decent little detector.
  6. Yeah, yeah...I know its 2023 and a question like this seems a btt out of the ordinary these days, especially one concerning the ole tried and true Whites MXT. The Legendary detector that still chugs and chugs along with the best of them made today. Question is I have been wondering if anyone who uses one what brand and size xoil would you put on the MXT for greater depth on open fields? I am not into trying this or that coil and figuring out which one responds the best, wasting my money. Thanks in advance to all that respond,
  7. Years back I bought a MXT but circumstances changed and I never really used it. Common I'm sure. But now I have moved back to where I bought it for (Arizona) and am interested in getting serious. I have friends who use detectors for crevicing for gold (very small stuff) and use Fisher Gold Bug 2s a lot. I used one and it was MUCH hotter than the MXT for small gold, at least with my stock 950 Coil (which was FAR better than the GB 2 for coins/relics). My plans are to enjoy detecting for lost coins and jewelry, yet going out with my buddy and friends who are pretty serious about prospecting. I am more recreational but my friend's friends are serious and have their own stamp mill and fine gold recovery equipment, but are still "small potatoes" at maybe an ounce a month types unless they hit a sizeable nugget (rare). I have a used a 4X6 DD and a 5.3 concentric on the way, but started thinking that at my age (Older than dirt at 75) and with blessed enough money to afford a different machine (up to about $800), would I be better just selling what I have (I figured buying like-new used coils I could at least get my $$ back there, though would likely take a 60% "hit" on MXT) would I be better getting a newer machine with benefits from new technology? My reasoning is that I don't have THAT many years left, and time is money, so would spending some new money get me a detector that would make me more productive/efficient (which would bring more satisfaction, and maybe some better finds). Obviously this is a subjective conundrum and impossible to answer objectively (like asking if 2+2 is 4 would be), but I think I laid out the question reasonably with the BIG UNKNOWN (to me) being how much better the newer mid-priced machines really are (beyond the hype), and if they are, is it a noticeable amount better to justify switching to get one machine that "does it all." One machine that LOOKS good (but I've not spoken w/ anyone swinging one) is the Nokta Legend kit ($600 w/ 2 Coils and wireless headset and extra battery). On paper it looks great (multi frequency for good coin/jewelry and high freq for prospecting). Not suggesting this is da bomb; just mentioned it as one of many I've looked at and read the specs. I have not seen real comparisons between what I HAVE (the MXT) and what is now available. The GB 2 was impressive on small gold, but didn't seem impressive on other detecting, and is still expensive new (I see them for around $700-800 on ebay) and almost never on the used market. ADDING a GB 2 would be a nice alternative as the MXT is good on coins/jewelry but then I would have more than I feel I can justify on the hobby now (Selling the MXT + Coils would get me close to the cost of a new machine if ONE machine would be as good as the MXT for general use and the GB 2 (or equiv) for gold). Sorry to be somewhat vague, but I just don't know the newer technology machines well enough to make an intelligent decision/choice. I'm sure many of those here have used what I have, and have newer stuff to compare with and can hopefully weigh in. Thanks, Bob
  8. Whites MXT All detection combat versus Minelab Equinox 800 on gold programs ... on the Top Digin test field. Who will win? Will it be a 20-year-old Single-Frequency Sophisticated Detector Whites MXT ... or a Modern Multifrequency Detector Equinox 800? .. The terrain of the test is mineralized and the target detectors are masked with iron .. so the task for these detectors will not be easy ... This test is from my colleagues from Top Digin ... both colleagues Jack and Mike have already had something to do with various detectors, among others, in recent years with Equinox, both of whom I consider to be an excellent detector. You can see for yourself which detector can play a better result ....
  9. Have recently got a hold of a nice V3i......I had one about 8 years ago and I decided back then it was not for me. I have Been comparing a MXT pro to it. Straight out of the box the MXT is way faster on recovery and obviously way easier to set up. With the 6X10 DD coil the V3i cannot see a penny about 1-1/2 inches from a piece of iron. If I put the same coil on the MXT it picks it right up. Very well actually. I have fiddled with the V3i on and off for a couple of days. I am on the fence about hanging on to it. I have been talking to a friend here locally who swears by the V3i and it is his go to machine. He told me that once I get it figured out it is deeper than the MXT. I guess that is possible. I am not a fan of the D2 coil as much as the white 6X10 DD coil. With the white 6X10 DD coil on the mxt I can hit an 11 inch nickle in my test garden with just turning the gain up. With the same coil on the V3i I have to go and adjust the ground phase and the recovery settings plus SAT as well....Sorry I do not know what all they are called but it used to be pre and post gain or AC and DC or whatever was on the XLT and such. Plus there is also the transmit gain and all that too that I can adjust and I am trying to just hit a 11 inch nickel with the V3I!!! I have messed with the recovery speed and the internal filters and have managed to get pretty satisfactory results after lots of hair pulling and time out in my back yard. I paired up the 13" DD Coil to the V3i. It made the machine way more sensitive without hardly doing anything else to the settings. It is like a match made in heaven actually on the V3i. I normally am a turn on and go kind of guy. I guess once the V3i is set up the way I like to run a machine it would become a turn on and go unit.....It will just take a bit to get there. I am on the fence kind of. I know there seems to be a little more action here with a few of you who still use a V3i so I am going to ask, is there any way the V3i can be adjusted to be as deep and as fast as the MXT pro?? If not I may just wind up selling both and sticking to lighter machines....... Had a blast with my Equinox yesterday!!
  10. Well here she is. I ordered the coil last week. It is the 13" Detech Ultimate. I cannot believe how light weight it is. I am totally like a kid in a candy store today!! I put the Sun Ray probe on it a little different than how most people mount them. It really had some awesome separation too for such a large coil. I am not totally sold in the depth aspect just yet. I will have to do some.more testing. But for now it is awesome.
  11. Of the 2 mxt machines the original tracker or the pro which one is your favorite and why?? MXT vs MXT All Pro display pod showing new touch pad buttons
  12. Hi All I'm just wondering what the best Mxt Coil is for Very Small nuggets/pickers. I currently have the stock 10dd the 6x10 eclipse coil and the 5.3 eclipse coil but I'm not sure if there's a better one out there is more dedicated for gold?. Cheers
  13. I was just looking on Whites web site and They no longer list 5x9-6x10 Eclipse coil for the MXT/V3i, All the other Coils are there but not this one. .http://www.whiteselectronics.com/accessories-books?cat=31&p=1
  14. HI Guys, Anyone managed to waterproof the MXT sufficiently to use in the surf? I really like the versatility of the MXT, so don't really want to buy another surf targeted metal detector .. Cheers
  15. The mxt hit a home run at an old ballpark recently with this 43 war nickel. Also found a wheat penny and some clad and a little trash. Funny thing happened on this particular hunt, I was heckled by a passerby in their vehicle who pointed at me and laughed out loud, don't know if he was laughing at me or my old White's detector . Anyway I didn't let it get me down and had a good hunt. Has that ever happened to anyone else on the forum ?
  16. Version 621-0462


    White's MXT 950 Owner's Guide, 2.24 MB pdf file, 40 pages White's MXT Data & Reviews White's MXT - Steve's Review White's Metal Detector Forum
  17. Version 621-0522 5/2010


    White's MXT Pro Owner's Guide, 2.89 MB pdf file, 40 pages White's MXT Pro Data & Reviews White's Metal Detector Forum
  18. Version 621-0462-LSP 3/2008


    White's MXT 300 Owner's Guide, 5.37 MB pdf file, 37 pages White's MXT - Steve's Review White's Metal Detector Forum
  19. Version 621-0493-1


    White's M6 Owner's Guide, 2.49 MB pdf file, 32 pages White's M6 Data & Reviews White's Metal Detector Forum
  20. This great resource was written by project engineer Dave Johnson and published by White's in 2002. It has become very hard to find, which is a shame because it provides insights not only on the MXT and GMT but on metal detector design in general. I took the liberty of scanning my copy this morning and converting it to html and posting here at White's MXT Engineering Guide Hopefully White's will not mind. As I noted, there is some information here you will not see anywhere else. How many of you experienced MXT owners know this following information regarding the ground balance setting on the MXT from the report? "Electronic ferrite material and most "negative hot rocks" (cold rocks) will usually read in the 75-88 range. Most soils will read somewhat lower. Readings will almost never go below 25 except in salt or moist alkali soils. When readings indicate smaller numbers than 50 you may notice some reduction in sensitivity. Below 35, some rusty iron may give unpredictable responses. Below 25, iron objects may give unpredictable responses and/or may disappear entirely and the sound on nonferrous objects may become slightly more abrupt."
  21. Looking back over some of my finds in years past and my favorite detectors, I keep coming back to the tried and true MXT. Well balanced, user friendly, great selection of coils, is good in England on lower conductor targets and also a champ at finding solid gold nuggets. So many of my friends have had great success with the MXT as there is not much to setting it up. It is almost a Turn on & Go detector literally and the older folks like it that way. I have years of fond memories of the MXT and even the newer versions of it. What are some of your favorite White's detectors and if you have photos of finds, please share with us. A few pics of MXT success I have enjoyed.
  22. I just purchased a brand White's V3i from the factory as noted on another thread. The brand new machine much to my surprise comes with new new redesign of the White's D2 10" round DD coil. I say surprise because I ordered a scuff cover for the coil, and although it went on the scuff cover is larger than the new coil, especially along the inner edge of the right side and so there are large gaps between the edges of the coil and the scuff cover. The new coil has been shaved here and there for a thinner more modern appearance versus the older squared off look. I looked and have seen no change in the part number on any sites nor any mention of this new coil anywhere. White's needs to make this known and hopefully a properly fitted scuff cover is available or in the works. It could be it just happened and I am one of the first with this coil and so jumped the gun a bit while dealers clear old stock. The old D2 coil has been quoted at 17.9 oz or 498 grams which I have to question as my new coil weighs 1 lb 2.6 oz (18.6 oz) or 526 grams on my postal scale. Can anyone get get an accurate weight on the old D2 coil? Include the cable as I have done - I hate it when cable weights are excluded, as if we are going to swing the coil without a cable. That may account for the discrepancy as I find it hard to believe the new coil weighs more than the old coil, unless the internal windings are different/heavier. This coil is also compatible with the White's VX3, all versions of the MXT, the MX5, M6, and DFX.
  23. I always wondered what the differences were between my MXT and the Pro MXT? Thanks. -Tom
  24. Of these two detectors which one would you choose for detector prospecting ? I know the AT GOLD has a higher 19 KHz than the MXT I believe at 14 KHz which is quite a difference. I see a lot of people like them both and read Steves article on gold detectors. I have a chance to get a 2 month old MXT all Pro with 2 extra coils one being the 4x6 Sharpshooter for about the same price as the Garrett AT GOLD new. Another thing is I would like the detector to do all metal for coins etc but that is not a must but would sometimes be useful to have. Feedback appreciated or other suggestions in the same price range I also thought about the Minelab X-terra 705 gold. Thanks Bill
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