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Metal Detecting In The River for Treasure

Aug 13, 2017 - Uploaded by Aquachigger Join me as I metal detect and search for treasure in the river. I find a nice Confederate artillery shell and other ...

Metal detecting a river full of silver and gold (part 1)

Aug 13, 2016 - Uploaded by hiluxyota Went out today with Dirty Dan to a new river site , and we both left today with over 30 silver coins , gold and ...

Metal Detecting In Rivers: Tips On Finding Crossings Or Fords

Dec 16, 2012 - Uploaded by Aquachigger A little metal detecting adventure. In it, I give out some tips on ...

Exploring an Island and Metal Detecting along the River

Feb 21, 2017 - Uploaded by nuggetnoggin Nugget Noggin paddles out on the river to explore an island, where many people have camped out over the ...
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funny i was just watching a video by hiluxyota this morning. Those guys do really well in the old swimming holes. They even found a gold coin once. Lots of gold rings. I've got a few places I frequent that are technically fresh water river system but they are part of the Delta so thy look nothing like the rivers these guys are hunting. There was a guy Jimmy Maya who I followed for a while..He killed the jewelry hunting the San Joaquin/Merced and other tributaries So many places to try and so little time it seems. A Kayak would be a great tool to use to get to some places...



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I've had to wait for flows to come down. It finally dropped off flood stage 3 days ago so I should be able to get out some soon, but fall will be the best flows.

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Found a musket ball and junk ring and a lunch bag full of heroin in the large river here. Stopped detecting there. Small outlet river from one the nearby ponds I cut my finger on some glass and bent my scoop...

Not exactly fun. Plan on going way up north and look for bits of gold and follow old trails that may have old coins/less trash.

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On 6/30/2019 at 6:53 AM, strick said:

funny i was just watching a video by hiluxyota this morning. Those guys do really well in the old swimming holes. They even found a gold coin once. Lots of gold rings. I've got a few places I frequent that are technically fresh water river system but they are part of the Delta so thy look nothing like the rivers these guys are hunting. There was a guy Jimmy Maya who I followed for a while..He killed the jewelry hunting the San Joaquin/Merced and other tributaries So many places to try and so little time it seems. A Kayak would be a great tool to use to get to some places...



Thanks for clueing me in to that. That's a great channel, and other than my river being lots colder pretty much exactly what I'm gearing up for.  Nice instructions for building the floating sifter too!

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Metal Detecting is such a thrilling hobby, and there are so many different styles of hunts.  I imagine those guys can't hunt the fields and forests in the heat of the summer, as chiggers, tics, snakes and poison ivy.  Most farm fields are in crop too and the temps are sweltering.

What better way to tame your detecting desires, than to drop into a cool relaxing slow flow river and find more treasures.  They guys are showing the variety of detecting pleasures possible.

Hey Steve,  You know there has been many gold rings tossed into the Truckee and I imagine 100X silver coins as well.  Wonder how many folks playing the casinos, hit it big and toss a couple silver dollars in the river for some more luck?  Have you tried the river yet?

I've detected our river here in Boise and found coins, keys, glasses, cell phones and occasional ring.  What better way to cool off when the outside temp is in the 90's.

Thanks for sharing.


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I have detecting a local river crossing/ford near me,the shallow river has 2 main attractions that it was one of the main routes into the village from one of the main Roman road going north,and often visited by romans and drover going back 2000 years.

The river is shallow as rivers go about 12'' deep during the summer and maybe 18-20'' during the wet winter months,but by your average river depth its very shallow,but the length of time that humans have used this crossing items would have not only been casual drops but also votive offering by the Romans too the water gods,so the possibility of finding some roman coinage is a possibility,as the water level is reasonably low during the summer months as that is the only time i detect this river,then one does not really need any high end submersible detectors,infact when i put my chest waders on all i use is a old Compadre which has had a coil plug added so that i can use a variety of coils,but surprisingly enough i always use the small 4'' coil for possibly pickling out the coins from between the rocks and it does work rather well,2nd machine i also use but not as much is a very old Musketeer and hang the control box from my neck and just use the small 7.5'' coil or what ever size it is once again from my neck.

The 2nd and most desirable type of detecting that i do from this small crossing and that is the fact that during the hot summer months the local mums take the kids down to the river for a paddle as its shallow,the kids go fishing with nets and buckets after tadpoles etc and mum shows some interest,but this is when the problems start,as mums fingers get wet and cold from playing with the kids and before long the fine gold ring that once belonged too granny and often has a high class lump of ice set into the ring has gone,panic sets in and they think they will never see the ring again,but over the years folks have approached me in helping find these lost items of jewellery and i do this as a totally free service to the local community,albeit a few times i have found a few rings and some other items of jewellery that had been lost possibly decades ago and the original owner have either died or left the area and no contact details so those i have claimed for myself,but for the most part these items are handed back to the original owner.

Another interesting method that i also do is that as this mainly was a ford/river crossing for nearly 2000 years a small 'hump back' bridge was built between 250-300 years ago,dont have a exact date but thats not far out date wise,this small bridge runs right next door to the original ford crossing,so this has been a main exit route from the village after say a burglaries and late at night folks have been known to throw/dump interesting items into the river from the bridge,i wont expand on that but not only detecting is good but also 'magnet fishing' has produced some interesting finds over the years.

So these have been my detecting ventures over the years mainly when the crops are in full growth so like a junky i need my detecting fix i usually venture into my local river,not as exciting a some of these top YouTube players,but it gives me some excitement and i enjoy doing it,and as long as it makes 'me' happy then that is all that counts.

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Did you see all the stuff that Kellyco now sells to the magnet fishermen?

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