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Sorry for the off topic post, I just wanted to get this out there quickly and please delete if this shouldn't be here. I had a ton of stuff stolen in Arizona, not sure what exactly yet as I have to drive down now to find out. They abandoned my RV on the road since I sabotaged the wheels to prevent theft (after they dragged it 1000ft ruining my axles and drums), but took everything inside, and took a 40ft Conex worth of tools and gold prospecting equipment. So much stuff I'm not even sure what all was in it until I can do a full inventory.

So, if anyone sees someone in NW Arizona trying to offload a bunch of drywashers, crusher stuff, cleanup stuff, sluices, especially if they seem like tweakers, please let me know. Also, a Yamaha Grizzly ATV, green, 400cc. Tons of tools, most the battery powered stuff was Makita. Had a Troy Bilt gold vac, a smaller keene drywasher (is it the 141?), a bigger Keene drywasher (black), a puffer Keene drywasher. I'm forgetting a ton of stuff but, you get the idea, if some tweaker is going around trying to sell gold prospecting stuff for cheap to people, get a name if you can. Mohave county Sheriff is out there now, if anyone has heard anything at all, please let the sheriff know.

Had all my detectors with me in Wyoming so none of them were stolen.

If anyone hears anything, anyone mentioning anything about who did this, please let me or the sheriff know. The gates and the chain were cut, plus cut through 4 large boron carbide shackles. they had tools and it was planned. It wasn't in a place that someone randomly would have found, I suspect they are local and/or prospectors at this time. It sounds like some of my con buckets were stolen, which would look like dirt bucket to someone who didn't know it might be valuable so if they weren't prospectors, they must be familiar with it to take buckets of dirt.

It may have happened a few weeks ago, I just now got someone track me down from some papers they found in my abandoned trailer and let me know about it sitting there in the middle of the road. It's been 110 or hotter out there so there weren't many prospectors around but one said he thought he saw my trailer moved at least a few weeks ago.

If anyone has info leading to an arrest with at least some of my items found so I know it was them, I will give you $1000 cash. We can work it out anonymously if preferred.


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Yep, and this area is notorious for meth heads too unfortunately. They go scrapping for old junk everywhere, including people's "not junk" behind gates.

I also have people saying they track me down from videos I made, so it could be that too. I had a guy seemingly get angry at me for not taking him to one of my patches, so he said he flew a drone around until he figured out where I was at and left it at that "I know where you are". Usually get a few of them with every video, 50 requests to take people out to private patches, then 1 or 2 that really take it personal when I won't and get angry. Suppose it's possible one got angry enough to go burglarize me. Most likely is local tweakers though, they just did it to a guy a few miles away this winter too, sheriff says they get burglaries out there from tweakers year round.

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Sorry for your loss Jason. Its a real kick in the guts when you have something stolen. Hope someone hears something and you can recover some of your gear.

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Sorry to hear this and best of luck to you getting them caught.. hopefully the sheriff is being very helpful..and can track them down..flea markets are places where stolen tools end up so if you know anyone in that area maybe they can go check for you. Had about 3K worth of tools stolen years ago...by you guessed it... meth heads...


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Hey Jasong,

   Damn, that is disheartening.  I will keep a ear and eye out for anyone looking to sell or trade stuff that might be linked back to you.  Thank God you had all your detector stuff.  Any chance you can share this on my forum, or I could copy/paste if anything to help get the word out in Arizona?  

My forums - https://forums.robsdetectors.com/

Let me know if I can help.  Also, Doc spends a lot of time in the general area I believe, you might also want to inform him.  

Rob Allison

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Thanks everyone, and thanks for letting this get some visibility. 

The sheriff went out there, and after speaking with him and learning some things he found, I have good reason to believe it's someone local, as in within a few miles or so. Also good reason to believe now that they were either prospectors or associated with prospectors. I think there were 2 or more people involved. This narrows it down considerably, plus since most people leave for the hot months there aren't a lot of people there to begin with so that cuts it down to an easily investigatable handful of people. As in, like maybe 10 people.

The sheriff has some ideas, and I happen to be a pretty good detective sort myself too, not to mention I talk to a lot of people since I wander around so much exploring, and drug addicts tend to blab eventually, especially when reward money is involved. I'm going to find out who did it.

If the thieves are reading this (and I'm pretty sure someone has told you about this post by now), you can gamble on your buddies staying quiet, or we can work something out to get my stuff returned in the next 2 days. Otherwise, it's prison and damages, which are already at $15k to my RV and Conex. Might also ask yourself who along the road in has a camera pointed at the road because you stole from them too. Hmm. 3 truckloads of stolen gear is pretty hard to hide.

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Thanks Rob, if you could cross post this to your forum that would be great. I missed yours and others posts here at first as I was running around like a headless chicken packing stuff up to do the 12 hr drive down. I appreciate it, I'm on my phone and it doesnt have my login and password saved for your forum like my computer does, so I cant get in right now, if you could copy and paste I would appreciate it!

There is definitely too much prowpecting stuff to sell in NW Arizona without suspicion, so if they try to get rid of it it very well may filter down to Phoenix area. Especially if someone is selling prospecting gear with a bunch of tools and off grid equipment, they took a homestead worth of stuff as I was building a base down there to live half the year.

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