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Jp’s Gold Thread

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15 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

Non-Ferrous only reacts to one aspect of the detector Rx creating an Eddie current which when the detector coils Rx passes over causes a signal to be created. Ferrous does this too but ferrous is attracted to a magnet and seeing how the detector is magnetic in nature there is a bit of extra signal created on ferrous items that blends in with the Eddie current signal. This causes two things, one is a brighter harsher more aggressive signal on ferrous objects (Especially tiny ferrous stuff) and secondly due to the over exaggerated discordant signal it makes it very hard to pinpoint the target when your trying to retrieve it. If you find yourself flapping around in the dirt swearing a lot it’s more than likely going to be a ferrous object that is refusing to be where it sounds in relation to the coil.


You have just described hunting for iron meteorites in Franconia, Arizona.  The tiny little pieces are loud and hard to pinpoint and they are near the surface.  There is no gold in the area where these are found.  Now I know why they are 'easy' if you know the area.  It does take a bit of coil control on the small ones.

In some areas where I detect for gold there is a tiny wire that we hear.  It is loud and hard to pinpoint also.  All of this time I thought it was because of size but now you have explained it.  Unfortunately in some of these areas there are some hot rocks of varying size that will be loud also and I have wanted the gold sound to be as 'bright' as those but now you have explained a difference which may improve my gold recovery.


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15 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

Think of it as the gold having a lot of country move past it rather than the gold moving around the country??. In high volume water environments (volatile areas) the gold is always extremely worn and rounded.

I think the exception is when the gold is locked up in specimen form, the specimens can get quite mobile because the gold weight too quartz ratio does not dictate the specimen to go to the very bottom so can remain with other rubble being transported about shedding gold as they weather away.


I have a large specimen that I believe got trapped in the rubble and cobbles because it is smooth on one side and rough on the other.  I've come to learn as you suggested that my specimen didn't move as much as all the material that moved over it.  I'm glad to know I'm reading some of the clues right.

Now that audio stuff ... haha  I hear it but don't know what I'm hearing it seems.  Between the two threads I'll be a better detectorist.

Thanks for the efforts on posting.


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Very educational geology JP, thanks for the pictures and info. I like the way you wrap your head around the bigger geologic picture and try to solve where and how the Au is coming from. ? ht

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Been pretty busy lately organising our business and finalising last minute preparations for the global lockdown associated with current world events. I am so lucky to be able to self isolate in an area where I do not need to travel to go detecting, therefore contact with others is near zero. I encourage readers of this forum to understand the importance of not moving about where there are others present, the risks are too great at this time.

Please do not respond to my comments about COVID19 on this thread, I am just explaining my own personal situation and why I‘m able to continue detecting thanks to my location and circumstances and do not want to seem to be encouraging others to take risks if they have to travel any distances to get to a goldfield. I am able to literally step out my front door and go detecting more often than not with my detecting buddy Mia. 


Here are a few pics of some of the gold I’ve found over the past week between tasks. Gold is a very big part of my usual income and now because our shop is effectively defunct it has become a vital component to our survival strategy. I live where I live for this very reason, having ready access to gold bearing ground was always the main driver for this decision. I am happy to share my finds here so long as it is not seen as rubbing salt into the wounds of those of us who can’t, the primary focus is about sharing something I love with others and I sincerely hope it’s taken that way.?

Speci found sitting on an old timers pile


Yesterday I revisited a favourite old gully where I found 1 1/2 ounces quite a number of years ago, there is always some left behind in scrubby terrain like this.

Gold bearing gully





Nice solid chunk that made me smile when I weighed it


The aim is to ‘try’ and find an ounce a week to keep ourselves afloat during these trying times, any gold coming in is better than nothing! Going detecting and finding nothing is way better for my mental health than being stuck indoors and I hope my sharing goes some way to helping others cope with the magnitude of what is happening to all of us collectively.?

I will not be mentioning this subject here again as there are plenty of other places for those discussions to take place, but felt I should explain where I‘m coming from in case it is seen the wrong way. 


Yesterdays take


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