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Higher Producing, Well-known Gold Districts Vs. Lesser Known Smaller Producing Ones

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Aye, lesser known out in the fringe areas are the go, as there was not much work done in these areas, very little history thus research is of little use. Leg work, time on the ground swinging is the way. We are fortunate to be the generation that have a powerful surface loaming gold detector, that allows one to scan a lot of likely looking areas in short time.  Generations before us had a pan/dry blower that took many weeks of loaming and elbow grease to cover an area that we can do in days at relative ease. MD users just need the time, a positive open minded approach, and lots of patience.  

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In the CA motherload belt there is a virtual continuous gold deposit some 200 plus miles long. Some creeks and hills have more gold than others, but basically there is some amount if you stay within or near the belt. Then there are some real hot spots the old timers worked hard which  became famous.  X's were marked on maps, reports written,  and rumors still float about to this day how rich the area was.  Well I aint never done very good in those so called hot spots. Its usually been some no name side job nearby that has no record or reports, and produces the goods.

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19 minutes ago, Norvic said:

Aye, lesser known out in the fringe areas are the go, as there was not much work done in these areas, very little history thus research is of little use.

This is key. Some of the areas I'm keen on are not on maps, or there is little more written about them than "hydraulic mining operation, unknown production." They are well outside the "gold belt" where I'm used to going. Maybe it was difficult to get supplies there, or the men moved on to easier diggings. Definitely worth a gander.

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16 minutes ago, WesD said:

Its usually been some no name side job nearby that has no record or reports, and produces the goods.

I agree. I have worked near some incredibly rich areas and it is the forgotten fringes that have produced for me.


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Yep, what Flak said.

I have found my largest chunks on the fringes of the well known areas. Nenad once posted " take the path of MOST resistance". This advise has paid off well for me. Go in to the well known areas and find the hard to get to, brushy-est areas...do a little "land scaping" and swing away. I once spent an hour removing brush from a small impenetrable brushy gully about 30 feet long and 10 feet wide, in a hard hit well known area, and recovered the nugs that are pictured in my avatar. I went back did and some more "landscaping" and recovered another 6 grams or so.


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5 hours ago, tboykin said:

I'm curious what you think about following the path less-travelled to some of the smaller, less-popular districts


1 hour ago, Gold Hound said:

- and when I talk to the land holder and ask if anyone has been in there and they say 'No, no one ever goes in there' I get real excited.

Yep.  completely unknown and unworked areas are the go. These can lead to significant finds.

Even in a small populous state like Victoria (Aus) there are areas that have not been worked at any time in the past or present - and many miles from known gold fields. 

As Dale says, do the research and follow the geology. You will often draw a blank but when it pays off, it can seriously deliver:






winter 2019 total.jpg

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4 hours ago, Gold Hound said:

if there's no water even better again,


4 hours ago, Gold Hound said:

evert to old tech and whip out the small 10in gold pan that I carry everywhere with me. I sample the junctions of feeder systems

Is there a way to sample ground drypanning without water?

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