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Rapid Beep


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I just received my new Equinox 800 went out detecting on every target I would get 3 rapped distinct beeps on every target. Came home did some air test all targets 3 beeps ( BEEP BEEP BEEP) on multiple targets set 10" apart would get rapped beeps 3 beeps on each one example 3 coins 9 rapped beeps strung together (beep beep beep etc sounds like a machine gun shooting). Does anyone have a knowledge on what wrong. Tanks for the help

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Might try a Factory Reset.




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This is because the Equinox is particularly sensitive around the edges of the coil, as well as the normal "center" portion of the coil.  When you sweep a target like a coin, from a close distance, from left to right, you will get a beep when the right edge of the coil passes over the coin, again when the center of the coil passes over the coin, and then again when the left edge of the coil passes over the coin.  This is normal, proper behavior.  It won't happen, when the coin is 8", for instance, from the coil; you'll only hear the single beep, when the center of the coil passes over the coin.


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26 minutes ago, steveg said:

This is because the Equinox

I couldn't have said it better.

I learned the same thing when I first got mine, so it is very normal to hear that.

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Steve thank you so much for the reply I think you are right will try tomorrow will post reply you have explained it outstanding in away even I can understand and comprehend excellent explanation Thanks Jim

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Responses above are correct.  That happens for “surface” (close to coil) targets.  Bury your target several inches or simply raise your coil about 6” above the surface target and you will find you get one beep.

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43 minutes ago, TedinVT said:

Bury your target several inches or simply raise your coil about 6”....

This will work but the distance doesn't need to be that much, in my experience.  It may depend upon the target size and gain (sensitivity) setting but for typical USA pennies, nickels, and dimes I don't recall ever hearing the multi-beep when the coin was a couple inches deep.  It's usually right on the surface, possibly hidden by grass or leaves.  Now, for air tests there is no grass, etc. to get in the way forcing you to keep your coil elevated from the actual dirt/ground.  I suggest lost play around with an air test and report back on the minimum distance that avoids the multi-beeps, then report back.



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I thought I already answered this question and was scratching my head when I couldn't find my post.  Then I realized that you may have posted this question over at TNET too (different screen name - Doh!), this was the answer I gave there, consistent with Steve G's and the others above and including some additional information on how to deal with this under certain circumstances:


As others have said, all DD coils have a certain degree of edge sensitivity on the coil circumference that can make shallow targets sound off on the edges in addition to the center spine of the coil which is the most sensitive part of the coil and where targets at depth sound off. If you are searching strictly for shallow targets such as in a contest hunt or looking for recent drops, then lower your sensitivity to minimize the effect. Otherwise, simply ignore it and use it as a crude depth indicator for shallow targets. As others have said, if your detector and coil are working properly, you should see the effect diminish as you raise the coil above the target, or reduce sensitivity. GL


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