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XP Deus Versus XP Orx

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I really like Gary B and he makes excellent quality videos. These however, left me shaking my head. Why would XP sanction a Deus VS ORX video series? So far, the Deus for good reason has made the ORX look totally inept and not worth the money. Every time feature sets are compared, Gary talks about the features on the ORX in the two discrimination modes and the next thing out of his mouth is "But the Deus has this and the Deus has that." Who would want to buy an ORX after watching these?????? The feature set where the ORX has a decided advantage in the Gold modes is not even mentioned. 

Sorry for the rant, but unless XP plans to discontinue the ORX, I see no positive reason to make these videos except for boosting Deus sales.


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I have a theory, last year XP said a couple of new detectors were coming.

I think eventually the ORX and the Deus will blend into one with price options on the software feature sets, the new lighter stem will become the standard. Both machines use the same coils, it's only really the software options that are different.

This will pave the way to a new machine around the price the Deus is now.

I did read somewhere that Deus lights are already shipping with the ORX style stem.

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6 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Sorry for the rant, but unless XP plans to discontinue the ORX, I see no positive reason to make these videos except for boosting Deus sales.

I think you nailed it. The ORX probably had the unintended consequence of undermining Deus sales.

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What the Sam Hill is going on here?

 I got a email this morning from Deus and what’s being said there is just the opposite of what is said here .

 I’ve had the XP Deus and sold it . I now had the ORX for a good while now and it’s not going anywhere.

 People can make their videos until Hell freezes over but my ORX will still be here.

 I just bought my second Nox 800 and the ORX I don’t believe it’s as good but has its place. I too have the Simplex and it’s another that will stay with me . All three don’t have to prove anything to others but only to make me happy.


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I also have the Orx and also the Equinox 800 coming. The Orx is very powerful. On my test coins the Orx does as well as the Equinox. Yes I think XP made a mistake coming out with the Orx which can compete with the Deus. 

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Another Nox 800 and ORX user here. The Nox has all the Audio features and adjustments I need for a Flagship, all around detector and the ORX is super fast, light weight and simple to use with just enough features for me, for a backup machine. I also have the Multi Kruzer but it's been sitting since I got the ORX. Who knows? Maybe Xp will replace the Deus with another high dollar multi frequency detector and Keep the ORX as their mid-price machine.  

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8 minutes ago, Tom Slick said:

Another Nox 800 and ORX user here. The Nox has all the Audio features and adjustments I need for a Flagship, all around detector and the ORX is super fast, light weight and simple to use with just enough features for me, for a backup machine. I also have the Multi Kruzer but it's been sitting since I got the ORX. Who knows? Maybe Xp will replace the Deus with another high dollar multi frequency detector and Keep the ORX as their mid-price machine.  

My rant was about making the videos as a one VS another from the same manufacturer not about the lack of quality of the ORX. I have an ORX also and aside from not having full tones and iron audio volume level adjustments, I couldn't be happier. The ORX with the HF coils is a fantastic detector so maybe that is the problem. The ORX is just too good and it fits my needs much better than the Deus. I generally only use it as a specialty detector for prospecting, for dense iron trash relic hunting and when I need to backpack a detector. Otherwise, my Equinoxes do all of the heavy lifting in the mineralized areas where I do the vast majority of my detecting. Unlike you Tom, I had a Kruzer and Multi Kruzer but they just could not compete with the Equinox in mineralized ground and they did not have the quickness of the ORX, the dedicated gold modes, frequency choices or the lightweight, so bye, bye.

You folks keep enjoying your ORX. I sure will!

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Jeff - Sounds like we're on the same path. Prior to the Multi Kruzer I also had the Racer, Racer 2, Impact, and Anfibio. I kept the MMK because I figured the Anfibio would bring more cash than the MMK and the MMK did everything I needed it to do. Looking back, The Racer 2 very well could have been my favorite of them all but I only used the Makro/Nokta detectors for hunting the most iron infested ghost town sites. I bought the ORX just to try it out and found that I really only need the Nox 800 and ORX for 95% of my hunting. I have the 9" round coil which I got with the ORX and I later purchased he 5x9" Elliptical coil. My MMK is actually sitting in the garage double boxed and ready to sell. I've already sold the optional battery holder, headphone adapter, and two of the five coils I had for the MMK. I'll get around to selling the MMK one of these days. 

Of all the extra features that the Deus has over the ORX there's really only a couple of those features I would have liked to see on the ORX but in those situations, I'll be using the Nox so no big deal.

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The ORX is very similar in terms of performances ( depth , separation ) to the Deus . Just it is simpler to use for a beginner . 12 modes on the Deus can be a mess for a beginner… On the ORX there are only 4 modes : 2 coin 2 gold and the necessary settings thats all. And at 700e with the ORX you have a control box , more fun to use than the small buttons of the Deus Lite headphones ( WS4 or WS5 ) .. I just found that the Deus "fulltones" audio is missing on the Orx , it is limited to only 3 tones … 

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