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Comet Worth Going Out To See

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I have mixed (guilty) feelings posting this since it is technically not related to the purpose of this site, although I'll argue (not vehemently) that it is related to meteorites.  😅  Further (and weaker) -- we detectorists are outdoor types (and appreciate nature) so I suspect many of you are interested in this.

There is a comet viewable from the Northern Hemisphere right now.  There has been hype that you can see it from cities -- well, not with the naked eye.  But with a pair of binoculars and with a dark western sky (here I mean no or minimal artificial lighting -- if you live in a city or town at least go to its Western edge) it is quite noticeable, with both head and tail being easily distinguished.

Below I post two images I copied from this webpage to help you locate it.  Here are some things to keep in mind:

1) It's low in the horizon after sunset.  About 1 1/2 hours after sunset is a good time to see it, as the sky is dark enough then.  To emphasize something many of you are aware of, just as the sun sets in the West, so do most astronomical objects.  Don't wait too late into the night or it will have set.

2) Being low in the horizon, you are looking through quite a bit of atmosphere which both absorbs its light and distorts the image.  Thus there is a compromise between earlier (lighter sky but less atmosphere) and later (just the opposite on those two).

3) It can be seen with the naked eye under the right conditions.  When we went out this past Thursday, 17th, I found it in binoculars and my wife -- seeing where I was pointed -- could see it with her naked eyes.  I will point out she had cataract surgery this Sping (so Steve, you should be fine 😁).  I, on the other hand, was never convinced I could after trying several times.  (I'm probably due for those surgeries soon...).  Still, when my wife subsequently looked through binoculars she was much more impressed, so if you have a pair definitely take them with you.

4) The lunar cycle is in its waning crescent phase, meaning in particular it doesn't rise until after midnight so not a problem, yet.  New moon is Monday and after that it will be up starting at sunset (and unfortunately in the Western sky).  And of course it will increase in brightness as more of it gets flooded with light so although the comet will be around for quite a bit longer, getting out sooner rather than later is recommended.  (This can also be included with #2 -- the longer you wait in terms of days, the higher it will get meaning darker background sky and longer time spent above the horizon.  But the moon will wipe out those advantages.)  My recommendation is to go as soon as you have clear skies (like tonight!).  Then if you really like what you saw and want to try later, you'll have more chances but at least you won't have missed it.

5) Sorry if you're in the Southern Hemisphere, but according to this article you've had two excellent comets in the last 15 years which we northerners missed.  Our last was 1997 (Hale-Bopp).

One last recommedation/warning.  It can be a great idea to take children, or a really bad one.  You might be there a while until it becomes visible (and you spot it) which means they need to be the patient kind.  If they are, it just might make a lasting impression.



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We saw it from Reno just a couple days ago, and i highly recommend checking it out, it won't be visible for around another six thousand years, but right now you can still see it for another week or so.  

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I have tried to get a glimpse of it for the past week and to my dismay there have been to many clouds on the horizon.

Glad for the additional information on exactly where it is and will keep trying to see it.

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10 hours ago, 2Valen said:

I have tried to get a glimpse of it for the past week and to my dismay there have been to many clouds on the horizon.

For those of us in the Eastern half to 2/3 of the USA, except maybe those within a hundred or so miles of Canada, this is the absolute worst season of the year to view anything astronomical because of the water vapor in the atmosphere (humidity and especially clouds).  I got lucky on Thursday when we had a cool, not so humid day with clear skies still into the evening and after sunset.

Just another advantage of living in the Rockies and all the way west to the Pacific (well, except maybe in those coastal cities with mega light pollution).

It will be viewable (with help from good optics) for weeks but as it gets farther from the earth and sun it gets dimmer and the tail (sublimation/evaporation due to the sun) will shrink and eventually disappear.  Tonight and tomorrow night (19th and 20th, before the moon starts brightening the evening sky) might be the best of all if you can get clear skies and out of light pollution.  You can always wait for the next one but as that article I linked to notes, it's been 23 years since we've had one this bright in the Northern Hemisphere.  I've viewed at least six in my lifetime but I'm not banking on another.

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Chris and I went out and saw it last night...spectacular! It was about 10:30 MDT. I'm surprised there isn't more about it in the news. About 15 or 20 degrees above the horizontal.


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3 hours ago, Jim in Idaho said:

Chris and I went out and saw it last night...spectacular! It was about 10:30 MDT. I'm surprised there isn't more about it in the news.


Jim....  I went out last night at about 10:30- 11:30 MT and couldn't find it?  My property is heavily timbered so it's possible that blocked it?  Clear skies, I looked N,S,E and West, peeked through trees, etc...no luck.  Which direction did you look..N,S,E or W..???  I'd be north of you ....


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1 hour ago, oneguy said:

Jim....  I went out last night at about 10:30- 11:30 MT and couldn't find it?  My property is heavily timbered so it's possible that blocked it?  Clear skies, I looked N,S,E and West, peeked through trees, etc...no luck.  Which direction did you look..N,S,E or W..???  I'd be north of you ....


I looked NW....it was right below the "pan" of the Big Dipper. About 1/2 way between the bottom of the "pan", and the horizon.


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51 minutes ago, oneguy said:

Jim....  I went out last night at about 10:30- 11:30 MT and couldn't find it?  My property is heavily timbered so it's possible that blocked it?  Clear skies, I looked N,S,E and West, peeked through trees, etc...no luck.  Which direction did you look..N,S,E or W..???  I'd be north of you ....


Look at GB's pics above.  It is towards the NW below and to the right of the big dipper  (it is moving up and left on subsequent days as it journeys further away from the sun).  It is visible highest above the horizon at dusk and slowly moves towards the horizon as the evening progresses due to the earth's rotation.

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Dummy me....!!!!   I see NOW from the pics above the notation of "NW" at bottom of pics and that's all I needed to know.  I'll find it tonight!  Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!

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23 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

I have mixed (guilty) feelings posting this since it is technically not related to the purpose of this site,

What!  Certainly it's related! A comet is perhaps the best omen for prophesying fantastic discoveries to be made by honest hard working prospectors.

I wish I qualified.

The comet was very visible here and much more impressive than the last one.

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