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Simplex + Gen 2

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A 99 tone option would be great, with informative audio that will allow good judgement of depth, sizing and type of target (tone roll etc).

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Aww man,

   I didn't know we were submitting resumes for detector testing today!  Dilek, my dog ate mine!! But i did stay at a Holiday Inn Express! ????

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6 hours ago, Nokta Detectors said:

Now you are challenging me:-) Check your email please! 

Ahhh, relief!  I was concerned that with the Apex release imminent, we coin/jewelry/relic detectorists (not counting the GPX 6000 here) wouldn't have anything to speculate on, complain about (well, OK, strike that from the record), create conspiracy theories for, lecture the manufacturers about how they are doing everything wrong, make suggestions they never could have possibly thought of, predicted who the next one would be to bite the dust...; the list goes on and on.  (Note:  I did say 'we'.  ?)

On a less cynical note, I still wonder what Detectival 2020 would have revealed.  Maybe there should be a virtual Detectival this year?

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Dilek you really need to pick a tester that is good looking. I want you to know it’s got to be me . I come to this conclusion because  a guy told me I got a face only a mother could love . haha  


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I know what my Granpa use to tell me when I wanted something." People in Hell want Ice water but I don't think their getting any".

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 Are you trying to rain on my parade? haha

 I’ve used that saying before in the past myself.

 I like the one Spit in one hand and wish in the other  to see what gets full the fastest .

 I guess the last one fits me best .

 If it wasn’t for dreams we’d still be living in caves.


PS Before the white man came to America women done all the work . The men hunted and fished plus didn’t pay any tax . Then here comes the white man and we going to improve things.

 Tell me what’s wrong with this picture?

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On 8/20/2020 at 11:04 PM, Mr Swing king said:

I have loved my simplex, and been using it almost every day since I got it. Also finaly finding gold ( now that I know what I'm watching for. I'll post pictures eventually).

Anyway I was thinking to myself, how could they make a second generation simplex better? I know it's a ways off, but I bet nokta has already been thinking about this. So I wanted to start a thread about features you'd like to see on the next one?

I'll start. When night hunting, the light on the back seems to be either not quite bright enough, or it's at the wrong angle, and can't use it well to dig. No problem, I've got a headlight. 

What if on the next one, they had a sensor that felt the detector be laid down, and switched on a brighter higher angle set of lights to illuminate your digging when in night mode?

Also multi frequency would be killer, even if it had to be a super simple featureless dumbed down machine, at least around here.

Navigation in the menu should be improved. I hope more features will be added in the new generation and switching between features will be more difficult. Too bad for the menu not being able to switch to the previous feature and having to scroll through the entire menu again. There is also same issue at Equinox. Navigation in the menu should be two way. Is it too hard for NokMak engineers ? My proposed design for settings navigation is attached. 

Best regards


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Just make the lower shaft way less flexible/flimsy and I will be very happy. I personally really like the interface as employed in V 2.77/2.78 and all of the great features, so thanks Nokta Makro

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/22/2020 at 12:27 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

If NokMak wants me to put my Equinox down they need to work on adding more tone options, especially multi tone. Keep that true threshold based all metal mode. Add recovery speed, and we probably have a deal.

Are you using an Equinox 800? Is that still the best detector in that price range? 

My simplex just stopped working, I'm thinking of replacing it with an Equinox 800.

I like the simplex, will get the gen 2 if it has simultaneous multi frequency and more tone breaks etc.

I wish detector manufacturers would just put normal Bluetooth transmitters in their detectors so that any headphones or earphones could pair with the detector, but I guess they want to make extra money by only being able to sell their own headphones for the devise.

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