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Nevada Has / Had Great History And Variety Of Gold Experts

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Cool post! Love the pics!


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On 8/29/2020 at 11:57 AM, Gerry in Idaho said:

I first started detecting Nevada for natural gold in the mid 90's with a local guy from Boise who goes by the name of Largo.  He's had some health issues the last few years and not been to RP but promised I'd try to get him down there one more time this Fall. 

Gerry if you can get Largo down to RP will you please let me know? 
I have been trying to meet him for years. He seems like a great gent.

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It's too bad none of those old timers seemed to post much to the forums where their words could be remembered. They were mostly gone or no longer in the field by the time people like myself started detecting for gold, I never met them or heard their stories. I've run across many of the areas they once detected just by systematic prospecting, and that's about it.

I have a big 4'x6' metal sign sitting on my land out there from the old truck stop coffee shop when it was called something other than T&A. Sapp Bros maybe? I believe it was taken there by an old detectorist called "8lb Dick" :laugh: and/or his buddies who mostly worked that area in VLF days. I got the mining prospectus for the project when I bought the land, and it shows a big operation out there with many trommels, jigs, dozers, excavators, they even had suction dredges set up in the tailings pond, but that was people from (coincidentally) Wyoming operating it at that point.

I'd love to be able to hear the history and stories of what they found and where, but unfortunately now it's mostly just piecing together bits and pieces of 2nd hand accounts since it appears all the people involved are now passed on and few alive remember much specific. 

Anyways, nice to see posts like this, it documents some stuff that few would have ever seen otherwise. 

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Gerry, as a newbie to this,  I really appreciate your efforts writing this informative and inspirational post.

Thank you!

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On 8/29/2020 at 2:57 PM, Gerry in Idaho said:

names like Smokey Baird, Dog Water, T-Bone, Duffey, Jim Malone, 

The only one I knew really well was Jim Malone. He has since passed away. We were partners along with another guy for two winter seasons in Arizona. We had a track hoe and a recirculating wash plant and metal detectors. Biggest nugget we found was the “bow tie” nugget. A 3 ounce beauty! After that venture I went back to gold hunting with a dirt bike and a metal detector in Arizona and Jim ended up in Nevada where he did really well. 


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On 8/31/2020 at 12:54 PM, jasong said:

I have a big 4'x6' metal sign sitting on my land out there from the old truck stop coffee shop when it was called something other than T&A. Sapp Bros maybe? I believe it was taken there by an old detectorist called "8lb Dick" :laugh: and/or his buddies who mostly worked that area in VLF days.



Burns Brothers was the name of the Truck Stop.  2 pound Dick (Dick Bailey) used to enjoy introducing himself to the traveling gals coming through.  He told me he was slapped in the face one time, but it was worth it.  The stories those early electronic prospectors could tell.

Where is your piece of heaven at down there?

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