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I think some people get their thrills by being deliberately provocative and stirring the pot - I don't understand why they do this  so I gravitate away from them which is why i have only posted on DP.  I come here for evidence based information with a sprinkling of hard earned practical knowledge. Im 63 as well - & now retired - working hard all our lives - we are entitled to finally have some fun with our own train set which runs to our own rules. Keep the good work up Steve.

By the way - i have never been a distributor nor have any association with any metal detector manufacturer - i just enjoy detecting in the bush, getting the most out of technology and the adventure it brings.?

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Ok, I'm a total noob. I probably shouldn't even be posting in this thread, but I have a strong compulsion to.

There are many forums I could have joined, but l am wary of Fanboy sites and those with a "gang" that have a one way approach to the forums' objective, whether it is the original intent or not.  I lurked many. I picked this one because I couldn't find a single objectionable post, the members seemed nice and even tolerant of members new to the hobby. There are discussions that go way over my head, but I learn thorough osmosis, absorbing information that I may not understand but that really clicks later. I am well aware that I am not a gift to this forum, but it sure is a gift to me.

Most of what I know about metal detectors came from this forum, from the suggestions of members and interaction with them. I am slowly developing the "facts before posting" discipline here that many have displayed. I enjoy being questioned and corrected. There is no hype here, only experience! Lots of it.

I am grateful for the warm welcome, the encouraging replies of members to my posts, and the cameraderie that has already occurred.

Thanks, Steve H. ?

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57 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Anyone remember these? Were they helpful? Would you like to get similar info here for free? Did you see this recent post by JP? Who else posts something like that? This guy knows more about the internal workings of Minelabs than just about anyone you have access to. He is doing me a HUGE favor by coming out of hiding here, to help take this place to the next level of information sharing. That's the direction we are heading, so come along with us if you want. If not, that's fine also. All I know is I am lucky to have JP here because he knows way more than I, and I'd like to learn from him. I'm selfish. :smile:

The outback prospector DVDs Jonathan Porter

The countdown timer is running, and if you think what has gone on before was hype, then this is a real good time to get off the hype bus, because we are going to kick this thing into overdrive!! :laugh: :laugh:

I would like one of these for the GPZ please JP.  ? Money in hand.

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