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Very New To Metal Detecting


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Hello, I was in search for a hobby That takes me outside. I was a rock climber, kayaker, backpacker, Ect...... Bu know at 50 I had a heart attack, and a bad back so a lot of the extreme sports are done. Living near The great Lakes and spending a lot of time in/on/ and near them might be a good place to spend a day metal detecting. I was wondering if anyone has the time to share what is a good detector for around 1000.00-1500.00, All the reviews I have seen so far are trying to sell me something. So un-biased reviews and thoughts would be great. I would like to buy something that I would not have to upgrade for a while. But I know nothing about the brands, or coils, ect... Minlab seems to have a big following but I do not know if it is just hype.

Thank You

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Welcome Bob!  Metal detecting is a little different speed than extreme sports like rock climbing, but if it hooks you, it hooks you hard.  ? You will get lot's of great suggestions I'm sure on detector options.  A lot of really knowledgeable and skilled people on this site that are always happy to answer questions too.  Don't be shy asking, we will all do what we can to help.  I, for one, am a fan of the Minelab line of detectors, and my suggestion in your price range would be the Equinox 800.  In my honest opinion, the hype is proved to be pretty accurate.  But there are great detectors by other brands as well, and I have owned and used (and in some cases still do) many of them.  Good luck and reach out if I can help answer any questions.  ~Tim

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I should also mention that Steve Herschbach... the owner of this site, has an amazing detector review area on this site... check it out, all the specs  and technical info you will ever need, and his honest opinion on most detectors.  


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30 minutes ago, BobL said:

Hello, I was in search for a hobby That takes me outside

Hi and welcome from another new member! I started back in August of last year. Bought a mid-level detector just to find nails after a roof replacement. Tried it out in the backyard and started turning up history. I retired in October, and have been out every day possible in the large farm in from of my house after obtaining permission to hunt it in November.

Like you I had a heart condition, I am now on a Pacemaker. I was extremely active (boating, hiking, playing in bands) prior to the incident.

I now own a Minelab Equinox 600, and it is fabulous, but because of my newness I would defer to the more experienced members of the forum who will no doubt grill you on specific areas you would hunt before recommending anything. I mainly hunt farm and river now, in the spring I'm going to try beach hunting. You've come to the best place! Get yourself acquainted on the internet and particularly this site with metal detecting videos and information, this is a big hobby, but doesn't have to be. ? 

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Probably the first piece of advice I would give you is to make yourself VERY aware of detecting laws in your area, and never hunt any plot of ground that isn't yours without permission. I can tell you this hobby is a blast, but there are some "ground" rules. ? A good search would be "metal detecting etiquette".

This site in particular, as Tiftafft indicated, is probably one of the best organized sources of info on the internet. Try a search on "metal detecting laws", get familiar with them.

You've got anything as a possibility from parks to farms to beaches to gold prospecting, this site has some heavy hitters from everywhere. In my short time here I have enjoyed the patience and experience of others. Start in your yard!

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Welcome Bob!!! I think we all can point you in the right direction. lots of good machines out there. Minelab, Nokta Makro, XP the list goes on. I'm a big fan of Nokta, and and run a multi Kruzer most of the time. Just give us the fine points of what you mainly want to hunt for. Your price point will cover a magnitude of great detectors to help you with your new found hobby. I wish you the best of luck with your decision. Bottom line is I'm just glad that you joined the DP team.

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Welcome Bob,

   Much great advice above, so i won't repeat that part! I will advise you to leave enough room in your budget for whatever accessories you may need for the type of hunting you decide on!

   I would leave at least a couple hundred out for those items! When you get the other stuff decided, we can also help you out with the accessories!

    If you have never detected before, your detector selection wil be of particular importance! In other words, don't overspend on too advanced a machine, equipment, etc... until you know how you are going to like the hobby!

   Depending where your located, there may be a dealer where you can test drive a unit, and get lessons! Also club's are a great source, if you join, or tag along initially!

   Educate yourself, talk to good dealers, and don't rush, or be rush into over buying! You can also find good used detectors with extras, for good prices! Something to consider! Beware of counterfeit detecting equipment from unknown internet sources!

   Good Luck! Glad you found your way here!  Let the education begin!!??

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8 hours ago, BobL said:

Minlab seems to have a big following but I do not know if it is just hype.

It is not hype at all, I am a newbie myself and I was given my grandfathers 800 when he passed away.

I am learning the unit and have found many very nice items with it, and also some very smelly things that I won't go into. The unit is also water proof to an extent should you want to detect in the lakes near you. If you are only wanting a unit for dry land take a look at the Vanquish series 450 as it will do most of the same things the 800 can do but is not waterproof.

Welcome to the forum and good luck on your detector hunt.

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Hi ,

From my standpoint I find the Equinox a little too complex for a beginner.  I would personally go for a simpler machine

Then you need to define your detecting conditions : 

- do you detect in the water ?  --> then you need a waterproof machine 

- do you detect on high mineralized soil ? --> then you need a ground balance setting 

- do you need a light machine or has it no importance for you ?

etc ....

And yes take your time before buying  ...


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