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15” Coil Cable Wiggle Test


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By the looks of some still pictures I'd say it was Beach 1..

Seems like it was running in 1 Tone mode - That way you'll never get rid of the falsing. Run it at least in 2 Tone and set your Tonebreak accordingly. Jeff McClendon has already given some good advices.

I even use Beach 1 in the water and have no problem at all at my beaches. I have tested some lakes, which are extremely magnetite infested.. you can trow a magnet in there and it sticks to it in quite reasonable amounts. My observations were crippled, seemingly bad target responses, which I probably wouldn't dig on the dry - but nearly every hearable target turned out to be non-ferrous. No problems with ground falsing though, if set up correctly with Tonebreak / Disc.

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I agree about setting to two tones. I didn’t do it because I wanted to give one tone a shot as it was strongly suggested. I didn’t realize that setting to one tone eliminates the iron grunt sounds and makes them the generic target tone.  I don’t know how you see my sensitivity setting from that short video... 🙂.  I spent the most time at 17 but it caused me anxiety knowing there was room to advance it before the blippityblip sounds begin.  I did later advance it but I think it was after this as this was my first video of the outing. (Others were finding targets in less black sand, didn’t post them) My previous hunt I messed with ground balance settings and nothing I did seemed to change things noticeably. I think here I had it on tracking. Next trip out I’ll go to two tones and play with beach1 vs beach2.  Also might be able to find my GoPro and have my hands free.  I lost an hour in traffic this time as a downed power line closed Laguna canyon road and I got stuck in it.

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11 hours ago, bklein said:

Here’s what it is like with Horseshoe enabled (all metal).


Is that seaweed on the beach?  I have heard of others having falsing on seaweed, maybe Dew can chime in. 

My detector sounds nothing like yours. I can run sensitivity 24 on dry sand even wet sand no water contact. I can tell my black sand ticks from targets. When I clearly have visible black sand pockets my detector is stable.  You are going to have to slow down your sweep speed and keep your recovery at 6 with those close responses. 

I have never been forced to block out detection ranges, but as others stated this might be a strategy at this point. 

I would surely back off on coil size. It is a well known fact the larger coil gives very little depth advantage.  In your conditions it is clear the the large coil is going to be performing worse.  

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2 hours ago, bklein said:

I agree about setting to two tones. I didn’t do it because I wanted to give one tone a shot as it was strongly suggested. I didn’t realize that setting to one tone eliminates the iron grunt sounds and makes them the generic target tone.  I don’t know how you see my sensitivity setting from that short video... 🙂.  I spent the most time at 17 but it caused me anxiety knowing there was room to advance it before the blippityblip sounds begin.  I did later advance it but I think it was after this as this was my first video of the outing. (Others were finding targets in less black sand, didn’t post them) My previous hunt I messed with ground balance settings and nothing I did seemed to change things noticeably. I think here I had it on tracking. Next trip out I’ll go to two tones and play with beach1 vs beach2.  Also might be able to find my GoPro and have my hands free.  I lost an hour in traffic this time as a downed power line closed Laguna canyon road and I got stuck in it.

Your sensitivity in the video is maxed out with all 5 segments. So it was at 21 or higher. Your 600 was in tracking ground balance. 

Can you make a similar video with your 11” coil in the same area with slower swings (1 second left, 1 second right) and cover more ground?

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Bklein ,,,,,I believe you will have to adjust some of the detector settings so that it can work effectively in Black Sand mineralization ...

  in the example I made 2 videos where you can see the difference between the work of equinox in All metal sv Discrimination ..

  Equinox 800 detector setting .. is recovery speed = 7 and iron bias F2 = 0 ...

Detector test on 1Gram 24K gold brick placed at a depth of 12cm in 7bar / Fe304 / Black Sand...


another test ... is already on Discrimination set to 0 ...


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This thread reads like a broken record.  Some high level advice should you choose to heed it Bklein:

Your stubbornness on insisting on using F2=0 due to an overblown fear of target masking on the beach is hindering you.  Just saying...  

If you are going to ask for advice you also need to be honest with yourself and realize you just may have misconceptions, mistaken notions, and are latching on to previously provided bad advice.  

Once you overcome those hurdles there will be a lot less wasted time on these exchanges.  

Use of high/max sensitivity, no iron bias, and other mode settings that exacerbate detector instability under challenging conditions such as high trash, EMI, and black sand demonstrate a lack of user finesse in detector setup where less is actually more in terms of performance.  

They key to knowing your detector is knowing how to appropriately balance the trade off between max detector performance settings and the environmental conditions at the site including ground conditions, EMI, and dealing with trash targets.

You really need to simply listen to what these experienced detectorists are telling you and apply the principles rather than constantly questioning their validity and motives.

Best of luck to you...

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2 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

Your stubbornness on insisting on using F2=0 due to an overblown fear of target masking on the beach is hindering you.  Just saying...  

I think you posted correctly Chase. The user also received a recommendation to use beach 2. We can only guess if the advised setting of recovery 6 was used?   Anyway enough time spent at the water trough. I hope the user finds another coil or detector to compare.   

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13 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

They key to knowing your detector is knowing how to appropriately balance the trade off between max detector performance settings and the environmental conditions at the site including ground conditions, EMI, and dealing with trash targets.

You really need to simply listen to what these experienced detectorists are telling you and apply the principles rather than constantly questioning their validity and motives.

Best of luck to you...

I remember the OP of this thread (he used the same username years ago on our local California forum (Kinzlis CA forum).  He was just learning his new CTX for beach hunting back then, and made similar quirky posts on that forum, trying to gain knowledge...I’m not mentioning this as a negative to the OP, but I believe this is his way of trying to learn a new machine....don’t think it’s the best way though, but he has been  consistent/persistent all these years (in his own way).

Along these same lines of “proper detector settings” for a particular site, I can’t even estimate how many times over the years I would receive a private msg from various forumites after I made an old coin post about what my settings on my machine were.....Someone else’s Detector settings may not be the correct settings for your ground/hunting environment.  Many just want an “easier way“ or a path of least resistance in becoming successful in their endeavor to be a highly confident/successful treasure hunter ...it’s a typical human trait....we can’t knock anyone for wanting an easier way to success, but in reality, not many endeavors in life come that easy......In order to find elusive targets (or sometimes any diggable/keeper target), especially in trash (Ferrous/non-ferrous), heavily mineralized ground conditions, or areas with moderate, varying EMI, will take more than “proper” machine settings....in other words, machine settings are only one part of the equation for success.  So many times, I would share my machine’s  settings  with various members across the country, but that typically wouldn’t lead to an increase in their keeper finds.  Coil control/speed, a very good ear for actual targets in noisy environments (noise tolerance), along with spending many hrs out in the field trialing/erring various settings along with other acquired detecting skills for most challenging sites is the only way to become a better hunter who’s brimming with the confidence of finding keeper targets, even before arriving at their hunting site.   I’ve seen many hunters never able to become comfortable with a new machine for various reasons they cannot fathom, and go back to their trusty machine they’ve grown used to for many years.  Sometimes a new machine will just click with a new user, other times it won’t.

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Hey, I was just going with what I was told to set things at.  I later advanced the Sensitivity as I was out of the black sand area.  I came back into it and took this video, but it turns out the video I wanted you guys to see, sensitivity 17, and me setting it in and out of Horseshoe mode to hear or mask the black sand responses, didn't really record.  I did not set F2=0, it was default FE2=2; max. is 3 on a 600.  You think that will make all the difference?  I don't.  I really wonder Midalake if when you are pushing for 1 tone you really intend to say 2 tones - if you set 1 tone you lose the iron grunt.  I don't see  a point in that.  Running one tone the negative numbers sound like the positive numbers (1 tone) if Horseshoe on.  When I disabled Horseshoe, the output went pretty quiet over the black sand.  Makes sense as the negative numbers were disc'd out.  Wouldn't that make you think there is no falseing issue?  No need for setting FE or F2 higher.  I agree I was moving the coil fast in that video but in the one I intended to record I was showing slow sweep as well.  I just had my hands full and wanted to show the black sand making target tones not grunts that I expected.

So looking back at all this, perhaps 50 tones is excessive, but I was not hearing that many different tones to worry about.  Just a lot of em.  Running horseshoe mode off would kill a lot of this.  I was running Beach 1, Beach 2 is for when water is running under/over/around your coil.  I'm wet sand only.  I disagree that this is a user problem.  I expect to find targets in black sand areas - I find them with my CTX and DF.  The EQ600 works fine in dry sand and wet sand without the black sand patches.  Could be there just weren't any targets in the black sand.  I need to test targets in those spots next time out.  I still may have a flakey coil - the issues I first saw didn't really come up the second outing though.

Hi Raphis, yes you remember me correctly!  It is my way of learning to ask questions and point out weird things that don't make sense to me.  It rubs some people the wrong way.  But they read and comment.  A discussion is better than no discussion.  And if I start the topic I'm cool with the discussion going various directions like this one has.


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20 minutes ago, bklein said:

I did not set F2=0, it was default FE2=2; max. is 3 on a 600.  You think that will make all the difference?  I don't.

Sums it all up in that statement.  Rather than asking me if it will work, why don't you just try it instead of dismissing it out of hand.  It takes just a few seconds to set your machine there and see if you get a favorable response.  I can't guarantee it will work, but if someone makes the suggestion and I am struggling, then I sure as hell am going to give it a shot.  Sheesh.

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