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Could This Be From Ww2?

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I was out metal detecting a few days ago. I found this is a sealed container(maybe a time capsule). It is some sort bowl container. It has the swastika emblems on it. The second photo is the other one I found in the container with it.  I am wondering if it is from ww2 era Germany, or maybe something before the Germans used the symbol. I think it used to be a good luck symbol. Could it have been a ww2 vet bring back and buried in a time capsule? I found it in PA, USA




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Could it be an urn?  (You didn't mention what was inside the inner container, if anything.)  Appears to have been made on a lathe and the symbols appear to have been made with an inlay technique called marquetry.  Probably has an early 20th Century origin (maybe late 19th C.) and not native American.  I along with kac and locator also doubt it has anything to do with Nazi Germany.

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I entirely disagree with the gentlemen above...That is most likely Hitlers old cereal bowel.... 

Cool find what ever it it is...looks like wood in the picture 



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Having both left and right facing swastikas, these bowls are most prabably Asian, Hindu, Buddhist, or even Native American. They resemble rice bowls I've seen from Southeast Asia. They could also be funerary containers for cremated remains. There maybe some markings on the bottoms of the bowls that could give some clues.

The German Nazi party only used right-facing swastikas and anti-Nazi Germans sometimes wore left-facing swastikas in protest during the early days of the Reich, but as you can imagine, those disappeared fast. I actually have one of those in my WWII collection.

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I agree with GB, and definitely want to know what's inside. Those are turned wood bowls, possibly funerary. If they are full of ashes it might best to re-inter them. Was the 'Time Capsule' a metal box? Could be a Pennsylvania Dutch thing.

Found a couple of them on eBay:swastika-small-wood-carved-bowl_1_b72f5db45b00960aa8f4236d846b7fd0.jpg.c6299e98c7302935d11234403fe8d144.jpg

This one might be yours?

s-l400 (3).jpg

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Being that there were 2 bowls in the "sealed" container, it's very possible that IF there are ashes in the bowls that it could be a couple interned together!!

The question of what is in the bowls needs to be answered, IMHO!!

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