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Pouch, Apron...?

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 My favorite is a cotton nail apron. It doesn't hang on my hips, it's light. it doesn't restrict movement, it lasts a couple of years and it's cheep. Heat the shank on a yard sale screw driver and bend it 90 degrees with the blade parallel to the handle for a crevasse tool. That and a good detecting pick ought to do it. Oops. I forgot- and a peanut butter jar for your nuggets.

What is your detector and how wet are your conditions?

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Cotton apron coin detecting with trash and keepers, prospecting I wear cargo pants and a pouch or with the Zed a local tree thats been well checked for chucking or dumping my cargo pockets. * or flicking lids, tins and other assorted what not* Cant pack it all. Basically low metal as possible.  I collect my finds *ahem* for the local tip... Rule of thumb in  the parks ;) I dont show anything that goes in the pouch, or the nugget vial, to the kiddies.  At worst the pests get to see the trash.  Still have my much repaired Cleavengers pouch from the 1990's for the parks.  Out bush I'll look at ya funny and dig in my cargo pocket or blouse;  Depends on the lead for the day.


Most prospecting trips its the backpack for tools.  Dont use a pinpointer but I do carry the occasional pan or hammer.

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I'll go 180 and recommend a different setup I use based a bit on how soldiers carry their stuff: Shoulder strap mount the pinpointer and a flathead screwdriver to a hydration pack, mount the pick to the back, use a scoop lanyard with the plastic ball on the end so the scoop "mounts" to your pocket for quick access, and then my best kept secret - concealed carry shirts, they have tons of pockets made specially for quick and easy access, my favorite are the Proppers, they are literally the only shirts I wear prospecting anymore because they are that handy, even drywashing I wear them. They also zip instead of button up, which is handy in variable climates.

I can jog, climb, hike, detect, and everything is always out of the way and secured not interfering with movement, but its all quick and easy to access at the same time. 

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I've got very lazy last few years and haven't made Leather gear for ages. In fact I think the only tool I have left is a punch.

I used to Tan my own hides years ago and stitch/button press different pouches amoung other things. But used to buy in cow hide as it sucked-up far too much of my tanning formula it just wasn't worth it.

I prefer leather to all the Hardware store made in china tradesman pouches made out of the newer material, they look pretty tardy after a few months.

I love the handmade gear, and need another pinpointer pouch and trash pouch as well as a couple of battery holding pouches, not to mention detector box covers with stitched on Velcro all made with cowhide ....But it's very hard to find a leather craftsman nowdays.

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