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The Next Legend Update Explaining The Delays In Release


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For those that don't use Facebook here is the latest legend update from Dilek, she's been absent recently as she caught Covid pretty bad, but she's OK now.

It sounds like the Legend is still very much a work in progress.  I always thought USB updating was so you could do updates after release also, but it seems they want to do as much as possible before releasing it at the cost of annoying those waiting on it.  Which strategy is best is anyone's guess.

Perhaps announcing it a couple of years ago and then setting a date and never meeting that is starting to bite them, no longer will they set a date, it will be ready when it's ready.

One thing a bit odd is they've recalled all the testers units, so now there will be no more tester videos, they've all been sent back to Nokta and some of the testers will be getting given a new detector with the updates on it, however they've repeatedly said the only updates are software, so why not just let them update the new software on their test detector rather than waste time and money shipping them all back to Nokta and shipping out new units? Doesn't make much sense does it?

I find the lack of iron bias setting explanation to be ridiculous, I'd rather decide myself how I want to deal with that, and I'm not even what I'd consider a power user, but I like to have that level of control.

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Thanks for posting that as I don't do FB.

I will keep my confidence that NM will introduce a very good model in The Legend. The Park2 & Field2 will be great additions. I hope they will consider some of the other suggestions made by the testers & forum members. (like ;a Mineralization graph, Relic mode based on Goldfield with 2 tones, Notch volume & tone, Beach modes being able to GB the full scale not just to 20, VCO audio option)

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Sorry to hear that Dilek had Covid 19 but I am glad that she seems to be recovering well and still has her usual enthusiasm.

I can wait a little longer for the Legend. I am not in a big hurry even though new toys are always fun especially when they are fine metal detectors. 

Sounds like the test units were returned in order to be updated and retested by some of the final field testers to see if their suggestions were fulfilled. I like the idea of a 4 tone mode. It will make the possibility of really jumpy audio near too many tone breaks easier to control and gives the user iron, low, medium and high conductor divisions which make sense.

I also like the idea of two different multi frequency weightings for Park and Field modes. Personally, I don't see the need for two different frequency weightings in Gold prospecting mode....... and find the two Gold modes on both the ORX and Equinox to be redundant except for making one of them a sort of "custom" mode.

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Sending pre-production units back and forth to the engineering group is normal activity until they get officially released to production.   Getting to see video's of pre-production testing units isn't normal so folks should consider themselves lucky that took place.

I like what they are doing with the ferrous/non-ferrous check.   And I like that they are giving a couple of more multi modes to chose from.   Be nice if you could auto discriminate with ferrous/non-ferrous check setting but this is a good start. 

I think I will most likely buy and try one of these Legends, especially now with the new updates planned prior to release.

Still reading the pre-production operating manual draft a little at a time.




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That maybe right but still, for a software update? I suspect changes are more than just software or why bother sending them all back? That's the whole idea of USB updating, to save having to send detectors back.  I can understand it on First Texas detectors where they had no USB updating pre-production units would need sent back, but not on a modern detector.

Either way, the improvements will be welcome additions and all sound good ideas.  The communication has been a bit bizarre though, the last video said all the modifications were small software changes and specifically pointed out the changes are minimal more like adjusting small things like locations of settings rather than actual operational changes now suddenly the changes are rather large and will cause delays.  I guess they jumped the gun a bit announcing it's release is imminent and that was likely due to another manufacturer releasing their unit at a similar time and beating them to market.

There are many people complaining about this and the delays caused by it, many have put money down with dealers and then it keeps dragging on, I can see why some get upset by it.  Me personally, I don't mind as I'm sitting out both new releases until there is a general consensus by early adopters on which detector would suit me best, if any.

I think it's great Nokta are actively working on making it the best detector possible, fortunately it does have USB updating so they can continue these changes and enhancements once its out. 

I guess what they do know though is the second it's out there will be real world testing by end users and not just carefully selected testers who are obviously not going to put up videos of them testing it where it's not performing well, so people will be comparing it to the competition in the real world, Nokta want it the best it can be before its released for this very reason as these early end user videos will either generate a lot of sales, or prevent a lot of sales.

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29 minutes ago, Mike_Hillis said:

Sending pre-production units back and forth to the engineering group is normal activity until they get officially released to production.   Getting to see video's of pre-production testing units isn't normal so folks should consider themselves lucky that took place.

For the record, I'll just say that there is another new detector out there that was just released, perhaps folks have heard of it so I won't bother mentioning the name here, and the updates for the testers based on tester feedback were provided for download to the testers and the pre-prod testing videos were abundant.  So no, I don't think users should consider themselves "lucky" in this day and age, where such things are now the norm for high tech gear.  The point is, like Phrunt, I find the Nokta process curious, as well.  If the problems are purely addressed in software, it's indeed odd to have to send them back.  Perhaps there are some display icons that need to be added which requires a minor display hardware mod too or other minor hardware tweaks, then it would make sense.

I, for one, really hope they add a mineralization meter like the one that exists on SImplex. Not essential but desirable.  I will note that Nokta added that feature via a SW update after  Simplex release.

But, at the end of the day, they are doing what's right and not releasing Legend until they think it is ready.  It will get released when it gets released, and hopefully, it will be ready for prime time.

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1 hour ago, phrunt said:

That maybe right but still, for a software update? I suspect changes are more than just software or why bother sending them all back? That's the whole idea of USB updating, to save having to send detectors back.  I can understand it on First Texas detectors where they had no USB updating pre-production units would need sent back, but not on a modern detector.

Either way, the improvements will be welcome additions and all sound good ideas.  The communication has been a bit bizarre though, the last video said all the modifications were small software changes and specifically pointed out the changes are minimal more like adjusting small things like locations of settings rather than actual operational changes now suddenly the changes are rather large and will cause delays.  I guess they jumped the gun a bit announcing it's release is imminent and that was likely due to another manufacturer releasing their unit at a similar time and beating them to market.

There are many people complaining about this and the delays caused by it, many have put money down with dealers and then it keeps dragging on, I can see why some get upset by it.  Me personally, I don't mind as I'm sitting out both new releases until there is a general consensus by early adopters on which detector would suit me best, if any.

I think it's great Nokta are actively working on making it the best detector possible, fortunately it does have USB updating so they can continue these changes and enhancements once its out. 

I guess what they do know though is the second it's out there will be real world testing by end users and not just carefully selected testers who are obviously not going to put up videos of them testing it where it's not performing well, so people will be comparing it to the competition in the real world, Nokta want it the best it can be before its released for this very reason as these early end user videos will either generate a lot of sales, or prevent a lot of sales.

She did state that some of the changes were easy and a couple of others were not that easy is what I heard unless I miss understood what she was saying

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21 minutes ago, DSMITH said:

She did state that some of the changes were easy and a couple of others were not that easy is what I heard unless I miss understood what she was saying

yes, you're correct, that is in this update, in the previous update all the changes were easy and nothing needed done with performance it was all just minor changes.  Now they've decided to add new modes and delay it further, which is very cool.  Nobody is going to complain about new modes, it's just the extra delays that incurs that is annoying people.  You would assume once they add these new modes testing will need to be done on them also.

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I guess I will be a guinea pig since there was something about the legend that triggered me to do a pre order on it, my hopes are it will be all good when i receive it  and I wont have to update anything and can just go out and detect because i do not like up dating anything

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