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White's MX Sport - Sweet Home, We Have A Problem

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I think they should have a recall. I will pay shipping to them to check it over and fix it if need be.  I dont want to walk 2 miles and miss a good button!!  I got one and have found some stuff with it, but have never used a whites before this one. I keep getting hits one way but not the other. with not ever using a whites before i'm not sure it is working at a 100% or not!! 

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Potomac Run

  I didn't say anything about the trouble of not getting a signal one way. I think others have said something on this same matter before. I do know it happen to me to get a signal one way on a coin but not the other. This didn't happen often but had I'd been out coin hunting I may have moved on.

Looking forward on hearing when we can send in our MX Sport . At this time I'm not sure I'll even take it out the door being it shows trouble already.


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14 hours ago, tboykin said:

That's not how you treat a friend. You help them back up!

The info in Steve's post is very helpful to us at White's, but when you have trouble with a detector we hope to be your first call. Overall the response to the MX Sport has been very positive. But we have had one other report like Steve's about the audio response. Our engineers are digging in to see what happened and how many units it may have affected. Judging from initial reports- most folks who bought an MX Sport aren't having any problems out there. But we'll see.

You guys know better than most about White's commitment to its customers. It helps us immensely to hear feedback from you, so please share your thoughts with us in the future. Easier to troubleshoot and figure things out that way vs digging through forum posts (though we obviously do that).

The positive reports and reviews don't help us improve as much as hearing about hang ups and problems, but we need to be made aware of them ASAP in order to help you. If anyone has issues with a White's detector, we take care of them. That's the White's way of doing things. And we're only a phone call or email away, unlike some other companies...

Tom Boykin


In this new age of social media, forums,blogs etc, ....post and write ups like these that allow comments, are going to be "the" best single way for Detector Companies to realize the full scope of the problem. Whether there are just a few out there with a particular problem or many.  There are people buying the Mx Sport who have not been in the hobby long that may not even realize the detector is not working right and therefore will never end up calling Whites that there is a problem. And others who will sell the detector because they dont like it, not realizing it is because the detector isn't working properly so you wont hear from them either. So telling people they should just call you without letting anyone else know does not help Whites or others who may be having the same problem.   But.....as bad as this may make whites look because it has gone social very quickly, you can rest assured that this works both ways.....and that is, if and when Whites make this right, they will also look pretty darn good very quickly across the entire detecting community and actually increase their credibility.  Social media is here to stay and if you are a good company putting out good products, a few hiccups along the way will not hurt you.

So Thanks Steve for making your experiences known....and thank you Whites for continuing to be a good company :)


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i would not be surprised that the 10" dd coil is the problem!
"smart money" says replace it with the 9" concentric on the 
mx-5 .make it adaptable to the mx sport. almost the same size
and i'll bet it makes a difference.


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I have a thought that a bit of a review is in order on this developing situation. Here we have a quality company producing a quality product using quality components. The field reports start to impact this new quality products function. Out of the blue comes a rep. who now is saying that out of hundreds shipped only a few have a problem. It is announced that this quality company is hard working on it and has narrowed it down to a software issue. Now it appears that this quality company only has to address this issue on those selected few. My sources who deal with software and code for a living have assured me that if this quality company uses quality components then this faulty software will effect every single detector shipped. It may be time for a portion of this quality company to back up and follow some of their old standards and put this developing situation back in favorable light. I believe the term used in other quality companies is RECALL.

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jt      I have the 6 x 10 with the same problem.


What you said I too believe it should be a total recall. The part I can't believe is with all the testing this detector got out the door at all. I would think White's would stop all sales and recall all detectors back. Some people may not know their detector has trouble and say nothing. 

Same electronics same program same trouble with all. Some just don't know it and be unhappy with the MXS the whole time they have it..


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I can't agree to any of this. Personally, I HATED my MXT until I was able to spend at least a good, solid month getting to know it. The Sport has an infinitely more tweakable interface than the MXT and can be tuned to many different situations.

Out of the box the MXSport is configured for a new user in mind - It's turn on and go and assumes ideal ground conditions.

I know it was mentioned here, but someone suggests running it in 2 tone mode, VCO off, Prospecting. Sounds logical. 20 tones would not only drive me nuts from an audio standpoint, but for any mobile microprocessor to 'think' fast enough to produce 20 distinct tones and assess a metals conductivity, etc. would be challenging.

I'm sure White's is very aware that in order for their new baby to succeed in now fiercely competitive market, it has to perform at least as well as their main competitors.

One thing I will say is that I hope to see a much larger selection of coils. I don't like that big ol' 10" standard DD. When the MXSport was announced, I assumed it'd work with the existing White's and aftermarket coils as it's the same frequency, etc. Maybe they're working on a waterproof adapter? Time will tell.

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Good on you Steve. Thanks for being HONEST with your findings and also for not keeping it quiet.  You bought the machine with your hard earned money(as did many others I assume) and yet I read here you being told you should have went to them directly instead of posting it. I am sorry, that just really irks me. 

There should be a total recall. what about the units sitting at dealers, etc? If its programming then every machine would have to be affected I would think. Surely you wouldnt leave people out there to find out on their own that they have a defective machine..


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