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Running The 15" Cc X Coil Over A 6000 Patch

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I don't think the problem is IF a 6000 can run a concentric coil, it's more so if it will be ALLOWED to run a concentric coil.  With X-coils not really interested in continuing making GPX coils with the freedoms that they have by not being approved then it's up to Nugget Finder and Coiltek with whatever restrictions if any are upon them to make the coils for it, will they be allowed to pursue coils outside of a set configuration? That's the big question. 

I'm not surprised by X-coils not following through with GPX coils, they chase bigger deeper gold where they hunt and the GPZ is the more suitable detector for them to use personally, and the whole reason they even made GPZ coils was to give themselves better options, with them not wanting to use the GPX themselves the motivation wouldn't be there the same as it was with the GPZ.

I hope they'll make a few friends and long time X-coil users some Concentric coils for the GPX some day, at the moment they're flat out just trying to keep up with orders, it seems the GPX being released has sparked a lot of interest from GPZ owners to just buy a more sensitive coil for their GPZ rather than an entirely new detector.

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There's 2 Australian based coil techs who have made CC coils for GPX detectors in the past. Not a difficult task, just $$ and time to perfect, prior to field testing. I'm toying with the idea in my head, of pulling the chip out of the 14DD and getting one built. Sourcing quality shells in the right size is the biggest issue though :dry:

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Thank you Aureous and  Steve for correcting me in regards to Concentric coil use on VLFs, and Phrunt re. concentrics on the PIs. Seems there was a case for concentric coils well before X coil showed their obvious depth gain on the GPZ.

2 minutes ago, Aureous said:

of pulling the chip out of the 14DD and getting one built

Go for it Aureous, seems NF and Coiltek will be busy for some time building the coils they have advertised for the 6K, 6K concentric coil interest will be on their backburner even if they get MLs approval to do so.

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I'll think we should just wait and see what the future holds. ?


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yep, why kill the GPX sales and investment by releasing another detector quickly when with no competition they really don't need to, they can stretch out the sales of detectors as long as they want, it's a few years away yet is my best guess.  I am not bothered, I'm as happy as I could be with my current equipment.

All these rumours of a GPX 8000 next year I believe are rubbish. 

Competition would drive faster releases, when the market is completely dominated they can milk it for all it's worth.

Their next detector will be a coin and relic machine, surprisingly that's where the money is at the moment, previously it was the gold detectors bringing in the cash.  Times they are changing as their investor reports clearly point out.

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I have it on high authority that field test prototypes of the GPZ8000 have been trialed for the past 3 years. Lots of tweaking and additions have been made. The Covid pandemic and delayed release of the GPX6000 have put off the 8000 release date until after the new financial year in 2023. Some of the additions are things which we have all discussed and suggested in the past. Its also going to be insanely expensive...I anticipate it easily breaking the AU$10K mark. The tech seems like its going to be worth it, if you're a professional type prospector. 

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I'm hoping they get a lighter GPZ out sooner than later. As much as I'm loving these concentrics on the GPZ, my elbow makes me pay for swinging that machine for a week afterwards now, even with lighter coils. It's hard to stop though, knowing it almost always pulls something extra up.

I had an S20 phone die in Arizona over the winter (well, screen went bad, I can't login now), had some photos of running the 17" CC in a small, deep gold area that was worked by 2 GPZ operators and me with the 17" spiral, no signals left at all when I took the 17" CC in. This post was about what the 6000 missed, but I can also show what the stock GPZ and even the 17" spiral miss compared to the 17" CC too.

Going to work on recovering data and vids off this old phone today, hopefully can get them all back. 

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I thoroughly enjoy reading the in-depth posts you write and discoveries made in pounded patches. I also enjoy the light-weight GPX 6000, that's why I traded in my GPZ. Those CC coils on the GPZ are impressive, almost makes me want to go back to the GPZ.? Looks like you're in the salty NNV??? 


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15 hours ago, phrunt said:

I'm not surprised by X-coils not following through with GPX coils, they chase bigger deeper gold where they hunt and the GPZ is the more suitable detector for them to use personally, and the whole reason they even made GPZ coils was to give themselves better options, with them not wanting to use the GPX themselves the motivation wouldn't be there the same as it was with the GPZ.

I think there is a huge difference between asking people to cut the end off a cable, versus literally cutting into a coil to remove a chip, and then patch the coil, plus mend the hole. It goes from being hard, to almost being ridiculous.

Lots of speculation about constraints on Nugget Finder and Coiltek here, when people have absolutely no idea if there are any, or what they might be. For all we know they have access to the chips, and can build any coil they want using those chips. Maybe optimism is an option, rather than assume the worst.

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