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Finally Minelab Take Responsibility For Screwing Up The GPX 6000 Speaker


The GPX Audio Fix Poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you had the audio/EMI fix done to your GPX 6000 - if you plan to get it done please don't answer the poll until you've got it back and tested it

  2. 2. Did the fix improve your built in speaker EMI stability

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure, possibly
    • Not sure, I don't think so
    • Don't care, not getting it done
  3. 3. Did the fix improve overall stability or improve the detector in some other way?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure, possibly
    • Not sure, I don't think so
    • Don't care, not getting it done

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I'm not sure why they're describing it as audio feedback, that normally would require a microphone picking up sound from the speaker while the speaker is playing sound from the microphone creating a loop I would think.  A signal feeding back to itself.  You can get it with Skype calls if your speaker volume is too loud and the software can't cancel it out.

I believe they're meaning they have an electronics problem with the speaker not being isolated from the PCB of the detector well so the speaker is causing interference with the signal, eg detector generated EMI and instability that many people have been complaining about.

It requires a hardware change, which begs the question, why are they acting like it is only some detectors and not a production run from this date to this date?  Or is their quality control so bad that runs of detectors have variations in their hardware? In all likelihood it is the case that it's every detector made within certain dates, they just don't want to say which dates they are as it means a massive recall, they're just hoping most people don't notice the problem as they're encouraging headphone use and have been for quite a long time with the previous notice issued in March 2022 telling everyone it is best to use the headphones.


Perhaps this is when they finally realized there was a real problem.  It's sounding more like a cover up to me.

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Yep. Exactly what I've been saying for a while now too - that it wasn't just my machine but it must affect a lot of machines at once since I've noticed it on other machines I've run around/with too, even sometimes when the owners themselves didn't know what they were hearing.

At least some aggravated people can stop inferring I was making something up now or saying I'm whining because they can't see it on their specific machine. I take a lot of pride in the accuracy of my field observations with regards to equipment and didn't much appreciate the inferrence that I was just whining or even lying about something that ML already knew was an issue.

The 4500 upon first release had a recall to replace mainboards due stability issues, mine was one of them. ML was upfront about it and didn't hide the announcement in a place no one would find and half the world didn't even have access to, so when people reported problems with the 4500 they didn't look like pariahs. Would be nice to see them do the same with the 6000. Some (if not all?) US dealers aren't even aware of this fix yet and it's been out for a while.

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I guess it's a bit like the Avantree Torus and it's crackling, some hear it, some don't even though Avantree themselves admit its a limitation with the device and they can't fix it, but everyone has it that uses aptX LL on the Torus.

I think some just don't notice the speaker problem as much as others do, and some just don't use the speaker at all so it doesn't bother them.  I'm a speaker person so of course any speaker issue bothers me.

This video is a funny example, some people swear to death this video has no sound, but it does.

Kids use similar tones on their phones at school so older teachers can't hear the SMS messages rolling in ?

This is another cool video on the hearing thing


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3 hours ago, phrunt said:

They know the serial numbers affected, they could just contact the owners, most people have registered their warranty, that gives them the contact details. 

Do they?

I've registered more than one Minelab product over the years and I can swear when I go on to my account with them, I can't see or find the multiple registrations.  When I have gotten a new detector, I drop the info into a new form that I can't seem to find.  I've never gotten an email that said you are the owner of such, and such numbered detector and we just wanted you to know something.

Can you look up your warranty on their system?  I know my dealers have had them and they have accepted my 800 but that is because they know their stuff and not really mine.

Who maintains their purchaser database?

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They certainly do record it all, it doesn't seem it's there for us to see.  When I was buying my first 4500 second hand I wanted to verify the thing was genuine, because it was an old Aussie one it didn't have the fancy hologram thing it just went by serial number.   To prove it was genuine they wanted to know the name of the person it was registered to along with the serial number.  They said both the name and serial matched their records so yes its genuine.  They then changed that original name over to my name for me in their database.

They said for people to contact them with their GPX 6000 serial number and they'll tell them if their serial number is an affected detector so they know the range of serial numbers involved.  A bit like the older GPX 4500 recall, they listed the range of serial numbers that had the problem.  The serial number range was 00000 - 01200 so 1200 detectors and Minelab made contact with the registered owners to say they had an issue with their detector.  It seems this time they're just going to let it fly and if people contact them with an affected number they'll fix it, possibly hoping most people won't contact them.

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Absolutely going to call this out @phrunt and I apologize, I posted this 12ish ago on the coil cracks thread and this appears 3-4hrs  later as a spat against Minelab. Is this what it is? 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful they’ve acknowledged this, but, I don’t think this post is called for. Many products that we pay alot of money for are updated regularly and it appears detectors aren’t out of that reach either.

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