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Finally Minelab Take Responsibility For Screwing Up The GPX 6000 Speaker


The GPX Audio Fix Poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you had the audio/EMI fix done to your GPX 6000 - if you plan to get it done please don't answer the poll until you've got it back and tested it

  2. 2. Did the fix improve your built in speaker EMI stability

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure, possibly
    • Not sure, I don't think so
    • Don't care, not getting it done
  3. 3. Did the fix improve overall stability or improve the detector in some other way?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure, possibly
    • Not sure, I don't think so
    • Don't care, not getting it done

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2 hours ago, Sheppo said:

Absolutely going to call this out @phrunt and I apologize, I posted this 12ish ago on the coil cracks thread and this appears 3-4hrs  later as a spat against Minelab. Is this what it is? 

No, it's not the same thing as what you posted - look again.

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I am happy you did.  My speaker would cause EMI.  I would like to know the serial # range.  Us in the USA would not have known about this if phrunt did not show the Aussie IP page.  We should probably start sending out emails to ML main corporate office.

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7 hours ago, phrunt said:

The reason I think Minelab should be contacting affected owners is its pretty clear many owners that have faulty ones will not even know it

It seems obvious that ML have habitually been 'dropping the ball' with design flaws, mistakes and warranty issues for some time now. Dunno whats happened but its now become obvious with the 6000. When you have a speaker problem that's been spoken about since June 2021 and only 15 months later do they decide to do something about it.....something's definitely wrong. 

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Well, it possibly involves a main PCB replacement I think so they've tried to avoid it first as all the repairs are likely getting pretty costly for them by saying it's normal because it's such a high sensitivity detector then finally having to give in and repair it, other countries are likely to get the notice too but Minelab would have to ensure they have stock of the PCB's in those countries before the onslaught of claims.   With the service agents from what I've seen just swapping out parts and not doing board level repairs then it looks like it would need a new PCB to fix it.

Maybe they took the time as they developed a little filter PCB to put between the speaker and the original main PCB to fix up the troubled units, rather than a new main PCB. 

The MD Arena people have put up an inside look at the GPX.  Seems like you can always count on them to gut detectors.



I'm guessing they have to swap that board out to fix it as that's the part they want sent in, and they've said it's a hardware update that fixes it.

Now we just have to work on getting the twisting shafts fixed and we'll have a decent detector.

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12 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

Maybe they will put a new coat of that EMI resistant paint on too ?

I was thinking they’d wrap it in foil…

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 Love the 6k but if I was not an experienced detectorist already I would hate it.

 I get phantom target sounds, bad emi, cant tilt the coil to detect slopes, and had a bad aftermarket coil.

On the plus side if I take it out at night the EMI is greatly reduced and I don't need sunscreen..lol

So I am hopeful some of these issues will get resolved.......eventually...lol


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