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1 hour ago, Joe D. said:

You were very lucky not getting hurt, or breaking your equipment!?


I just realized something about the way I carry my detector that probably made a difference.  I don't wear a cuff!  I just put my elbow in the holder I got from Steve's Rods (the original broke too many times to glue any more) and away I go.  When I fell I let go of the detector and it was not stressed nor my body.

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Wow! Scary story and good lesson, especially, for night hunters. I love those target rich hunts - congrats!

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Fantastic hunting and hope that you didn't get hurt from your fall.

I would not know what to do with a hunt like that, as I go to a lot of old buildings near me.

Good luck on your next hunt and lets see if you can double it next time.

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Nice work Mitchel... that’s a lot of digging. When your in a good patch you gotta take advantage of it while you can.  I’m sure you will have a few more good days before it all gets covered up...and you will find that patch of gold. 


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Wow! It looks like you fell into a ring of fire!... Well a hot spot anyway. Was it chance or fate? Either way, glad you weren't hurt and you were certainly rewarded for all your hard work. Congrats and well done!

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16 hours ago, Joe D. said:

(There's a) very real threat of a collapse, that can quickly kill you, hunting next to them! It happened to someone here recently that was taking sunrise pictures! He was later found suffocated, with only his legs sticking out!!

Reading Mitchel's detailed chronicle I wondered about the dangers.  I've heard of rogue waves in the open ocean.  Do those kind of things ever catch beach goers (including detectorists) unexpectedly in an otherwise calm sea?

Mitchel, your report leaves me with mixed feelings -- all those 'good' targets in near ideal detecting conditions and hardly any real loot to show for it.  Well, these are the kinds of days that make us appreciate the few when we hit a grand slam.  You get an A+ for perseverance.

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7 hours ago, strick said:

Nice work Mitchel... that’s a lot of digging. When your in a good patch you gotta take advantage of it while you can.  I’m sure you will have a few more good days before it all gets covered up...and you will find that patch of gold. 


This was from last night.  No gold patch yet.  I was looking for it and only dug a few of the coins ($8.31) I heard because they were coin numbers in a jewelry spot.  Some parts of your patch you have to dig it all.  I got tired and disappointed a bit with my 'go to' spot for gold.



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