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Manticore In Arizona

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Good video. All were shallow surface targets though that the pinpointer easily picked up. It would be interesting to see the target IDs at some depth and how well this would work by comparison. I am personally not a relic/treasure hunter and don't care too much about discriminating metals, but I can see how this machine could be a real value addition for those who are into it. Amazing the plethora of settings and graphic displays. Makes my 6000 with virtually no settings to choose from look cheap....? Nice job ML!


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1 hour ago, NAGANT said:

No mention there about nugget detection. If it can do better on the gold field mode than the Equinox, it would be worth it. If it’s just about the same, I’ll keep my Equinox 800. I don’t care as much about relics and coins. Beach and jewelry some.

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It all comes down to the 50% more power to the coil, I guess small gold detection would really put that to the test.  I'm expecting it to be no better than the Equinox on small gold, It'll be nice having the small elliptical though, I just hope Coiltek come out with a 5" or 6" round for it too.    I'll know as soon as I can get my paws on one ?  I hope this announcement on the first of December is saying they've started shipping to dealers, if they drag it on much longer it will be painful.

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1 hour ago, phrunt said:

It all comes down to the 50% more power to the coil, I guess small gold detection would really put that to the test.  I'm expecting it to be no better than the Equinox on small gold, It'll be nice having the small elliptical though, I just hope Coiltek come out with a 5" or 6" round for it too.    I'll know as soon as I can get my paws on one ?  I hope this announcement on the first of December is saying they've started shipping to dealers, if they drag it on much longer it will be painful.

I hope some of you prospector crossover guys post some nugget performance results. I want to upgrade my GM 1000 to a good discriminating VLF that I can also use for relics and coins for fun.

I'm so hopelessly behind the times on VLFs, all the acronyms, and everything else that I don't even want to try figuring out the difference between them all now myself. I figure these VLFs are so cheap relative to gold machines that I might as well get the best though, whatever that is, as long as it's good for prospecting too.

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It looks very thought out for simplicity.  No continuous menu scrolling, etc.  I'm not sure why you'd want a semi multi freq machine for gold prospecting though...just doesn't seem to be in its wheelhouse.  Especially with all the gold specific machines already on the market.  This ticks all my boxes though for a multi purpose relic/beach machine though.

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1 hour ago, Daniel Tn said:

I'm not sure why you'd want a semi multi freq machine for gold prospecting though...just doesn't seem to be in its wheelhouse.  Especially with all the gold specific machines already on the market. 

The Equinox is a killer gold prospecting machine for gold other machines even if you spend $10,000 can't find.  Some of us look for gold for the challenge, for the fun of it so any size piece of gold is an exciting find, in fact my smallest piece of gold I've found with a metal detector I consider to be my best find and it was with the Equinox, bigger gold which is often much easier.  It all comes down to why you do it, for the monetary value which I do not, or for the fun and challenge which is why I do it.  I even find the 11" coil on the Equinox good in my conditions, it can find really tiny gold.

If the Manticore can somehow better the Equinox, perhaps by it's extra coil power then I'm all over it, I'll love it.  At the moment my two favourites in the VLF's are the Equinox with 6" coil and the Garrett 24k with the 6" Whites concentric coil, each for different reasons as they both have different strong points.  I really hope the Manticore can match the Nox on small gold, it's really nice having a do it all detector you have a lot of confidence in to use for anything and everything and don't feel like you're missing out by using it.  I own a Gold Bug 2 which technically on small gold is the best of the bunch, and I know it's the most sensitive and it has an awesome little coil that has no bump sensitivity but I haven't taken to it like the others, I also find it lacks the depth of the others.

VLF's destroy the GPZ even with my coil selection and the GPX 6000 on VERY small gold, especially in my mild soil, so they very much still have a place and make outstanding pinpointers for when using the big heavy duty machines as no manufacturer yet has made a good prospecting handheld pinpointer.

The milder your gold area soil gets the more viable VLF's become, I am in rather mild soil, and then there is bedrock and creek detecting especially creeks that are nothing more than bedrock, VLF's are great, waterproof and all.,

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