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Manticore Silver #2 Fty

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Nice looking Merc, glad the M-core is working out for you! ?

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Very nice. Old house sites can be tough, especially with a big coil. Have you tried the smaller coil yet?

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Always nice to find silver and that one looks very nice.

Good luck on your next hunt and stay safe out there.

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14 hours ago, longbow62 said:

 I am still confused when hunting in all metal when the red line appears under the I.D.. I really worry about how correct the red line is because I get a lot of fluctuating between red line and no red line without iron any significant iron grunts. It's really pretty confusing. Maybe I'll figure it out eventually.         

When hunting in all metal the red like and small grunting will occur in mineralized ground...don't confuse that with a ferrous object. So most likely you are hearing the ground. Over here in Calif when I'm hunting in all metal its constantly grunting due to the ground conditions...A ferrous object will be a larger/louder grunt.. no mistaking that.

Yesterday I dug a dime about 10 inches in depth  and I was getting ferrous grunts and I said to myself lets see if this is a nail...the target was a perfect on the non ferrous line and read 89..nope it was a dime and I seen at least 2 nails come out of the hole while I was digging. 

I don't usually pay that much attention to the shape of the target trace but thats just me...the oniy thing I do is quickly look at where the target trace is in relation to the center line. But maybe some of you guys that like to analyze stuff can teach me something about that later on when the machine has more time on it. 


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Are you still hearing significant Ground noise with a good Ground Balance?

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Silver and Wheaties is a good day, Well done! Like every detector, it takes some time to get it down, but it looks like you're well on the way with your new M-Core.

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