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From everything I've read on the Axiom from Steve H. and others I can see no reason not to trade in or sell my 5000 to offset costs in purchasing an Axiom. It's a difficult decision for me as I have found a lot of gold with the 5000 over the years. Can anyone give me a reason not to do this? I have several coils from the 8x6 to the largest for the 5000. From what I can see the only con is maybe a lack of coils at this time for the Axiom. However looks like that will change with time.

For use in Northern California and the Mojave for gold prospecting.

Thanks for your thoughts in advance.

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Oh gosh, let's see. Lack of coils is a big one. Axiom is not bad there but nothing beats the GPX series by when it comes to coil selection. Way more settings for more varied situations with GPX, as long as you can actually master them. And if you have, and machine you know and are familiar with counts for something. You already own it, and it costs nothing to keep owning it versus buying another detector. If nothing else maybe you end up hating the Axiom and wishing you had your GPX back, so hanging on to it until your really are sure you want to go that route is cheap insurance if you can afford it. If you like the Axiom enough you'll just stop using the GPX, then it will be an easy decision to sell it.

A simple difference though is if smaller gold in highly mineralized ground matters Axiom has the easy edge there. Half ounce plus nuggets at depth, GPX due to large coils if nothing else. I always liked the Nugget Finder 18" mono, what a sweet coil.

Anyway, that was off the top of my head fast before I go walk the weiner herd. :smile:

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Steve Thanks. Good advice. For the small stuff I do have my 24k with 6" coil. I also just purchased a Legend. So together especially the 24k and Legend take care of the small gold. However one of the attractions is the Axiom on smaller gold and the DD coils with what looks like a better iron check which I don't use on the GPX. 


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On 2/20/2023 at 12:08 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

Lack of coils is a big one

On 2/20/2023 at 12:08 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

Way more settings for more varied situations with GPX, as long as you can actually master them.

Steve, for someone who was so heavily involved in the Axiom's development I love your honest answers. 

For me, I think if I had a 5000, a full arsenal of coils, I knew how to use it inside and out, I could still comfortably swing it and it cost me nothing to keep then I'd be keeping it and waiting for more Axiom coil options and more info on well it runs larger coils.  

Just my non-important opinion from a bloke who owns neither an Axiom or a 5000  ?

Good luck with your decision FB ?

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I think the Axiom may be my next machine.  I've ran the GPXs from the 4000 thru 5000 but hate being tethered to the darn thing.  I've seen a few videos of folks relic hunting in the red dirt like I have here and doing well.  I don't have to have 100% GPX performance...I think any pulse is better than the VLFs in bad soil so I will still be winning.  I just wish they were a little cheaper priced or at least let a man choose the coils.  I'd rather have the two DD coils vs a DD and mono. I have a while to ponder on it.  

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52 minutes ago, Daniel Tn said:

I think the Axiom may be my next machine.  I've ran the GPXs from the 4000 thru 5000 but hate being tethered to the darn thing.  I've seen a few videos of folks relic hunting in the red dirt like I have here and doing well.  I don't have to have 100% GPX performance...I think any pulse is better than the VLFs in bad soil so I will still be winning.  I just wish they were a little cheaper priced or at least let a man choose the coils.  I'd rather have the two DD coils vs a DD and mono. I have a while to ponder on it.  

Well there again is a reason to wait. The Axiom has a transferable warranty, and you just KNOW somebody will be getting one and selling it used sometime in the near future. Get it used with warranty to try and if not happy, sell yet again with warranty. That makes buy and try a bit more palatable. So far though that has not been happening and I was a little surprised to see only one sold used on all of ebay so far, and none available used at this time.

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On 2/19/2023 at 5:08 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

I always liked the Nugget Finder 18" mono, what a sweet coil.

I concur.  I've found large and small gold with that coil.

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I have a guided trout fishing trip coming up in March. After I get back from that, I'll start squirreling away $ for either a used GPX or new Axiom. Heck at this point I'm thinking I'll just go for the Axiom since that gets me away from a harness and battery. Those Diggin in Virginia guys usually unload machines after a hunt and they have one coming up next month.  I think it and a machine like the T2 would handle nearly 98% of all the hunting I would do.  Of course if you've followed my posts for any length of time, you know I am like a revolving door with hobbies.  I don't ever keep anything for very long, in order to fund new adventures. And fishing is always my #1 hobby. I'm just seasonal when it comes to detecting. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great points have been brought up and I agree with most.

I'll go over a few things I prefer the Axiom vs a GPX-5000 overall.

Axiom faster Turn on and Go.

Axiom lighter and easier to handle and swing.

Axiom requires no harness to be tethered to.

Axiom is more Sensitive to smaller gold and specimens (even bigger ones the GPX-5000 can not see - trust me).

Axiom is more compact and easier to store or take on a bike, motorcycle and plane.

Axiom accessories, coils and batteries are prices more reasonable.  $440 for a GPX-5000 battery is stupid.

Axiom is much more User friendly and fun to use.

Axiom is better weatherproofing and waterproof coils as Minelab GPX-5000 coils are not WP.

Axiom is made in America

Axiom comes with wireless system

Axiom is much easier to use with a VLF on your side or back.

Not saying the 10+ year old GPX-5000 is no good, heck I've dug many nuggets with it.  But I didn't have the option to use an Axiom back then for $4000.  The GPX-5000 was $5800.  Today, both are priced at $4000 and if Military, take an additional 15% off.  5000 is a known CW relic detector top machine and I think the Axiom will get there, but it's a matter of time.

Not telling you to get the Axiom as you already know the 5000 and more than likely have all the coils and accessories paid for.  I guess at this pint it's a matter of if you want swing with a new girl on the dance floor for a while.

What I see with most of have a GPX-5000.  The majority don't know all the Settings and what they are doing.  Too many options of Settings and they get overwhelmed.  It's actually a pretty easy detector and performance on dense gold is tops.

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