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So An Mcore, Deus 2, And T2 Go For A Walk At The Bullet Site

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I wouldn't venture a guess, but I'm pulling for the D2. ? It's probably the oldest one though ? interesting post! ?

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Given that the T2 actually has an all metal mode, I'm guessing that honestly. At least for hitting the bullets, D2 for better id accuracy for the ones it does hit.

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If it's just a beep on the target not caring about identifying it then the challenge is really there for one to come out on top, they can probably all do it equally well.  The stock T2 coil is a bit of a let down though, although probably still capable, and I would guess it would come down to coil size first and foremost.

If it were a coin and the challenge was identifying it that's a different matter.

In my soil I'd not bet against an Ace 350 getting the same depth as a Manticore on a coin if all it had to do was beep or in the Ace's case ring the door bell.

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This may seem to be a total shot in the dark here but as i use a T2 as my main machine thats running in AM mode could be the dark horse here.I am still blow away by how deep mine is and that is just a standard model and not one with the boost mode.....my vote which in theory goes against all the odds is the T2.


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I'm betting the T2. But it's only saying yes there's a target down there. D2 will hold an accurate ID the deepest, by all metal I'm assuming you're using relic mode disc at -6.4. Prospecting mode on the Manticore? Ferrous limits on or off?

T2 is pretty straightforward as to what settings would be. But on the other 2, there are many settings that can be used and possibly change the outcome.

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6 hours ago, Daniel Tn said:

With a GPX leading the way marking bullets so that we could test...which VLF would you say did the best?  T2 with stock coil. Deus2 with 9 inch coil and 11x13.  MCore with 11 inch coil.  All Metal modes on all 3 machines.  Deepest bullet was 14 inches.  Most were 8 to 10 inches.  Take your best guesses and I'll do a write up later.  


Detecting time per detector ? Type of soil : mineralized or not ? Iron trash level : low or high ?  Looking fwd to the results ..

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As you have both the Manticore and Deus11 up for sale or trade i would say it was neither of those machines,so possibly it was the T2 that was the deeper one out of the 3,of course this is just process of elimination lol.


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