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So An Mcore, Deus 2, And T2 Go For A Walk At The Bullet Site

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5 minutes ago, phrunt said:

...Throw the biggest coil on you can, that's how we achieve depth, except the 15" coil on the T2, that things a shocker ?

Uh, well, that might not be the coil size that's the problem.  I don't think I've ever read one nice thing said about that T2 coil (ditto its cousin for the Fisher F75), unless you allow "makes a nice door stop or boat anchor."  Hey, at least they didn't say "a total waste of plastic!"  :laugh:

14 minutes ago, phrunt said:

I did find a photo of my Gold Bug Pro in a gold area around here, and it had 0 bars on fe304...

Here's what it says in the Gold Bug Pro user guide regarding its mineralization meter:


Compared to a similar but different meter on the F75 (which I posted earlier today), I find their documentation rather sloppy.  The F75 documentation gives magnetic susceptibility ranges for each of its 0-6 bar settings.  Here (GB_Pro) they lump 2-6 bars together.


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13 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

(Hope I'm not being a pest.  Please keep in mind some of us are 'homebound', either waiting for good weather or waiting for the new toy to arrive.  All we have to do is read, think, and pester.  ?)

I'm focusing in on a couple things, one which Steve said just a couple posts above yours (not quoted here) and what you say about planning on changing recovery speed.  I first summarize the mode defaults for recovery speed (from page 78 of the Manticore Instruction Manual):

2 -- Beach Deep;

3 -- Beach Low Conductors;

4 -- Beach General and Beach Surf & Seawater;

5 -- All Terrain General, All Terrain High Conductors, All Terrain Trash Reject;

6 -- All Terrain Low Conductors, Goldfield General;

7 -- All Terrain Fast.

It seems you've been using a rather slow recovery speed (full range being 0-8).  If these recovery speeds are anything like the Eqx 800 recovery speeds (maybe a questionable comparison, I realize) then I'm surprised in your 4-bar F75 mineralized ground you can even make sense of the signals from RS = 3.  I say that because in my 2-3 bar ground, switching from RS = 5 to RS = 4 made a moderate, noticeable but positive difference.  But taking the next step to RS = 3 broadened the signal to such an extreme level that I couldn't handle it and had to quickly return to 4.

I anticipate your response now may be something like "well that's why I say I'm going to change it!"  Fair enough.  Just kind of wondering why you went from AT High Conductors' RS default of 5 down to 3 and if you noticed any extreme changes (as I did when I went from RS =4 down to 3 on the Eqx).


I think everyone's comfort level vs recovery speed is different. Swing speed and trash density  has a lot to do with what recovery speed you use. In the past I would run reactivity on the Deus 1 at 4 in high trash and 3 in open terrain.  But I eventually noticed something. At ghost towns with high trash I would actually see targets sitting on top of the ground that I wouldn't hear. Wow! how much stuff am I passing over I can't see? The audio on the Deus becomes so clipped that you can no longer pick up good target in the trash. And in open fields with moderate to no trash depth was cut at reactivity of 3. So what I did is slow down and drop those recovery speeds. This also translates over to the Equinox/Manticore. I have played with recovery speed over live targets quite a bit over the last few years and found that 3 is doable and gets me the best depth/separation on most targets. If it's real bad I will go up to 4, rarely above that. 2 and below on the Equinox/Manticore is a no go. What works for me might not work for others but I have trained my ears to use 3 in most areas and have done quite well with that setting.

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If there is large iron underground and a coin off to side on top. You will not hear the coin. It's strange. The  large iron overpowers the coin signal. 

I was just testing that with the Legend. Using a very large nail (1/4" in dia) standing straight up with coin about 2" above and 2" to the left. There is no sound. Move the coin over the nail and it hits the coin.

We have a huge amount of nonferrous targets masked with iron. According to Nasa Tom about 5% of nonferrous is found in iron. The rest all masked.

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35 minutes ago, Rick N. MI said:

I was just testing that with the Legend. Using a very large nail (1/4" in dia) standing straight up with coin about 2" above and 2" to the left. There is no sound. Move the coin over the nail and it hits the coin.

Two questions (so far):

1) Was the nail head up or down?

2) Did you listen to the signal in the 'nail only' case (i.e. no coin within 'sight' of the coil), and if so, what signal/sound/VDI resulted?

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The nail head was down. I'll try it up. It will probably hit it up. There was no signal on the nail only. Coil 6x9.5. Settings iron bias 1, stability 4, recovery 3 (will try higher recovery) probably will help, sensitivity 30, Pitch.

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6 hours ago, Daniel Tn said:

So I wasn't loopy?! Haha I figure somebody that's not hunted bad dirt would have a hard time believing my post.  Thanks for the reinforcement!  

You're a very accomplished Digger Daniel. The Red Dirt Experience just added to your resume.

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A few weeks ago l posed a question on Dankowski’s forum about true All Metal mode on modern SMF detectors. In answering, NASA Tom replied that the Manticore, while in Prospecting audio Theme, was close to true All Metal, not just a different audio choice. I found this to be quite intriguing. He also stated that the Equinox 900 dp audio is a quasi All Metal with the Iron tone processed but the non ferrous tone a raw AM feed.  There is bound to be a practical application for these capabilities that new users have not hit on yet.

Like others here, I keep a good true All Metal detector for “ special “ use in spite of its other limitations. I sure wish true AM motion mode was more common on SMF detectors, especially my Legend.




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23 minutes ago, JCR said:

A few weeks ago l posed a question on Dankowski’s forum about true All Metal mode on modern SMF detectors. In answering, NASA Tom replied that the Manticore, while in Prospecting audio Theme, was close to true All Metal, not just a different audio choice. I found this to be quite intriguing. He also stated that the Equinox 900 dp audio is a quasi All Metal with the Iron tone processed but the non ferrous tone a raw AM feed.  There is bound to be a practical application for these capabilities that new users have not hit on yet.

Like others here, I keep a good true All Metal detector for “ special “ use in spite of its other limitations. I sure wish true AM motion mode was more common on SMF detectors, especially my Legend.

I beg to differ with Tom. It’s a yes or no thing, not blah blah quasi blah blah. My answer is no.

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His reply required some thought on my part. After re reading it a couple of times, l think that True All Metal mode, as on the T2/F75/AT Max etc isn’t offered on these latest SMF introductions but something that approximates it is. The practical use for this capability hasn’t really shown itself yet.

Evidently there are a few lesser known SMF detectors that do have a true AM mode like the latest Rutus & Atrex. Seems like a practical thing to have on a high end detector to me.

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