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Newbie Nox 600 Owner, And New To Detecting


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Welcome to the forum! The 600 is a great machine, depending on what you are planning to do with it, it should have you covered just about everywhere except prospecting for gold. I have one.

I've used mine relic hunting in farms, on the beach, and detecting campgrounds which are pretty much like parks. Started in my yard learning how to dig plugs that won't leave evidence of my presence. 😁

Don't be afraid to ask questions but do use the search function with key words to see if a question you have has been answered. 🙂

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Welcome, moiloon!  Here are some general and specific recommendations:

1) You've bought a sophisticated detector.  That's not a bad thing but keep in mind it will take you quite a while to master it.  You will be making finds along the way so enjoy that and don't get too hung up thinking things aren't perfect.

2) Read the manual before your first detecting session.  Read it again after your first detecting session.  Then keep it handy for reference and after a few more sessions, read it once more.  (You'll find things make a lot more sense as you proceed, and some sections you'll be able to skim over or even skip as you learn the detector.)

3) Here's a very good (but not a quick read) compilation of info on the Equinox 800/600:

Keep in mind that the settings values (see the manual!) for the 800 and 600 models are in some cases different.  (Minelab seemed to go out of their way to confuse when they could have made that simple....)

4) Know how to do a factory reset.  (Do I need to say "it's in the manual"?  😁)

5) If things seem to get tedious, just go back to why you got here in the first place -- enjoyment -- and make that your priority.

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Welcome from East Texas.

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