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Snakes, Thorns And Other Causes For Concern

Rad Rocks

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   Like to hear about how some of you Guys and Gals deal with your regions issues… Whether it be Rattlesnakes, Water Moccasins, Thorns, Gators, Cacti, or anything else some of us may have never thought of..

   Out Here in Arizona, We have All kinds of FUN stuff to look out for. As the Summer Heat very slowly subsides, Some of us are taking inventory, preparing and beginning to tool up for the Fall Detecting/Prospecting season. Part of that entails Thinking about accidental run ins with Things that poke,Scratch, bite, Kick, sting and even Munch. Being properly prepared to deal with such encounters is pretty important, especially when your attention is focused elsewhere (like on your Tones and coils). Now, a decent pair of Gaiters and some Thick Boots is a Terrific Start. A pair of nice fitting Knee pads are a definite plus in the Gravel laden washes and Rocky foothills. Also, In My opinion, a wide, over the shoulder pick(instead of a shovel) Makes recovery much easier and Quicker. Plus, if you aren’t “carrying”,  it really helps your odds in Those Chance Wildlife encounters..(Bobcats, Ferrel coyotes, Big Foots? and more)..

Anyway..Just wanted to start this up as I’m sure there are some things many of us could learn about or just may have overlooked.. 

Sure Hope that I posted this in the Correct spot. ??

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These got my attention.

An interesting take on Gaiters.

Not too pricey for what they are Either..



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In Montana, I just have flies and grizzlies to be concerned about, with flies being the worst of the two. In Arizona, it is the rattlesnakes, but I haven't seen one in two years of poking around in some nasty terrain looking for gold. I now have to be concerned about the tiny scorpions I have been digging up that are really hard to see. Leather gloves are a must but I don't like wearing them. Now that I am in Winnemucca NV, I just have rattlesnakes to be concerned about, but I have been detecting every day and I haven't seen one yet. I have hunted the Eugene mountains, Humboldt mountains and hills, Rye patch, Sawtooth knob area, Blue Mountain and Tungsten area and haven't seen any snakes. I have a new pair of metal free boots that will be here soon that appear to be of high quality American made quality that should wear well and slow. Thorogood boots, gen-flex 2 . This area is interesting but I can't wait to get back to Gold Basin in Arizona. 


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Edit: Not People, but tweekers and itheads  should be #1 on the list.

I’ve only seen black bear butts whenever I run into them, rattlers are typically not around during the heat of the desert day but I still don’t step or put my hands in places where I can’t see them, and the only close mountain lion encounter I ever had was when I was walking on the only trail I could use to get back to my truck and I saw an adult one crouching under brush ahead of me (it was dark and I could see its eyeshine).  I scared it away by grunting and stomping my feet as I walked towards it.

Now the thought of running into the wrong type of strangers while carrying a $5000 detector, or having my truck ransacked or worse while I’m away from it  makes me worried sometimes. This goes with having to live where there’s millions of people nearby. If I lived in a more remote state, I’d probably still find something else to worry about.  Luckily, practically everyone I ever met out there have been genuinely friendly and cheerful people who were also happy to be out there.

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  • The title was changed to Snakes, Thorns And Other Causes For Concern

   Pretty much everything is run through the Risk/Reward filter first! There's risk in every thing, but you gotta live your life! And common sense in the application of the above, will generally keep you well!!

   That being said, here's my brief list of possible threats, biggest to smallest! And it is intentionally not location dependent ! Some in order may change, which may be individual/location dependent !! JMO

#1 Harmful Humans

#2 Weather related events

#3 Wildlife

#4 Any possible health issues

#5 Legality 


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Above all the dangers that’s been talked about here is man wanting something for nothing. It’s the guy with a big smile on his face that you think you could trust forever but that’s not true.

 I know of one person that got killed in Arizona and they still don’t know who done it.

 It really don’t pay to go it alone anymore!

 That’s the sad truth of it all.


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