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lunk  as you know there is a lot of area up there and no one gets it all I admire your  hard work and rethinking we’re you have been  before good for you   You have earned everyone as we all do your experience is worthy of printing for sure 

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Great job for thinking outside the box and bringing home the gold.

I just think if that if the ground was moved out of the way it would be so much easier to find. I know that some places won't allow heavy equipment in the area, so we just have to be patient and go slow.

Good luck on your next hunt.

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You don't know what Lunk has done in Rye Patch!

I know he has detected, raked, boot scraped, dug holes, dug tunnels, pushed, scraped, used hoes, tractors and blades to name just a few.  It you look at Google Earth for Rye Patch and look at the images from several years back you will see activity and I can assure you that Lunk knows what happened there.

If he didn't find it he has a good idea of who did and now when he goes back to a patch and he goes deep he really doesn't want to waste his time.  It is focused.  He put out a 'want' to buy that 19" dog coil many months ago and got the tool he wanted for the job.

I don't think Lunk will tell us how many pounds he has taken from the area, but I know his hunting partners took hundreds of nuggets from RP.

You need to take a break from your routines and have Lunk and Gerry give you a lesson or two.


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Lunk,  Again, you are taking the old technology and making it new again.  One simple post and the price of used GPZ-7000's goes up, Bill is in search of a 19" coil and many others will be trying the same.  That's why I enjoy hunting with you buddy as the very rare talented guys like yourself, keeps me on my toes.

Now as for me going back to the 19" coil, I'll pass and save my back/body for other hunts.  When the new ZED detector comes out, Minelab will most certainly have many of those issues ironed out for the actual detector, but the coil itself, I'm not sure how much lighter they or anyone else can make a 19" coil of that size with the actual performance that design provides.  Only time with tell and hopefully the leaks from Minelab start coming out as the new year is around the corner.

Thanks again for sharing your hard earned knowledge and as Phrunt mentioned "the cat is out of the bag".



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People assume for some reason that because the GPZ 19 is a heavy pig that it does not work well. Wrong. People laughed at the 30% deeper claim, but I promise you, and this is a fact, Minelab does not make statements like that without some data saying that it is true in at least some circumstances. Not all, just some, but real nonetheless.

Good for you Lunk, I always enjoy it when people do what others are not. When a herd runs one way it often pays to wander off in another direction. Both the GPZ 19 and Deep mode are under appreciated and overlooked options.


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