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Stable Fly Sting? Itchy Skin etc in WA

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Hi dad and I are here near laverton. Dad got itchy skin on his face arms legs, basically anywhere exposed got sting by certain insects but unsure? Is this normal or anyone experienced this before? He was ok in 2022 and I am ok now too. Only him this time appears so bad./.  Any thought? 




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Sandfly bites Ethan.

The centres weep when scratched

Savlon or Dettol cream and Anti histamine tablets would be your beast bet.

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Agree they look like sand fly bites but would that be usual around Laverton?  I'm more used to sand flies around the coast.  

After all of the rain they had earlier in the year they could also just be mosquitos and your dad is just sensitive to the type of mosquito?  We noticed there were heaps just on evening earlier in the year.   

The other things you can try is Tea Tree Oil or some 'bum cream' - Proctosedyl - which is available at a pharmacy.  It has anaesthetic which stops the pain/itch and a steroid which reduces the inflammation/itch - we use it on heaps of things other than just for heamorrhoids, which is its main purpose.  

Might have to go to long sleeves and gloves to fully cover any bare skin.  

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  • The title was changed to Stable Fly Sting? Itchy Skin etc in WA

Allergic reaction, see it in Alaska all the time with biting flies. Benadryl and calamine lotion and take all measures necessary to avoid getting bit in the future. For people who are susceptible it can have oozing itchy sores that last for weeks, not fun. I knew one bloke that had his arms and legs swell up like hams, very alarming. Long sleeve shirts, gloves, headnets, even full mesh jackets and pants can be had. In Alaska the flies crawl up pants legs and sleeves so we tape those areas shut when the flies get really bad. In my experience the Aussie flies did not do that at least. Better to prevent than treat.

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I don’t know if it is me.Or if flying,stinging insects have changed.But when I was a kid bees ,wasps and the like ,little ice I was good.But now bees I get a knot the size of half of a avocado,that last for 3or 4days.And mosquitoes raise a bump that weep for a week! I have hit 60 but these bugs of late ,are hell.

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Fresh water sandflies are all over in Australian sandy areas after big wets in particular, even in the centre. They are way worse than salt water coastal sand flies, a smaller version that annoys hell out of some dogs/horses even with heavy coats. They don`t bother all except those that are allergic, here in FNQ this year we had a plague of them due to a double size annual wet. A solution of 10% Tea Tree oil/90% baby oil is a good deterrent and gives some relief after being bitten, stings a wee when applied to fresh bites but gives relief after a few minutes.

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Of the ten or so trips to that area over the years had not encountered that problem and Carol is a magnet for sandflies and mossies.  Must of been the wet season.

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Most likely one of the insects described already but I know fleas from kangaroos can be a big problem.....you only have to brush past any bushes or vegetation and the fleas will promptly hitch a ride on you.......and then will feast on you as their way of saying thanks.

Make sure you have ruled out any bed bugs or the like from your bedding......especially old sleeping bags and swags that may have gotten a bit damp and not maintained or cleaned/dried out.

You definitely need to get some medical attention on those bites......they can get infected and that can be serious.

Good luck and if it means losing a days detecting to visit the doc's then it is worth it.

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I feel his pain ,  mosquitoes several species of flies and the worst of the worst No Seeums !

Bug bites make me swell too.🙄

The best cure I've found ?

Benadryl  .     Tabs go inside and the Gel version outside.

That's a bad case of it.🧐 Hope it doesn't last for long..



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