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Two Stolen Gpzs In Yuma


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I hate to say it guys but I think Fred is right. Yuma is just a hop, skip and a jump into mainland Mexico or Baja. Likely crossed at Calexico/Mexicali with in hours of  sacking your detectors. Sounds like you  were being scouted  with the dirt bags waiting for the chance. May still be state side but not likely. Really sucks and I sure hope it works out some how.

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Theft is not good and of a personal item is worse.

I just met a guy this afternoon who I was showing my 3030.  He said can I hold it and I let him.  He told me he had an ATX but I should have GPS.  I said I have it and he said NO ... a tag so if it was taken I could track it.  He was telling me where to hide it.

He has one on his bike, his detector and lots of other things he owns.

Maybe I should get tags on all the detectors and ... after I find my cell phone I left at a club meeting on Friday!


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 The thief or thieves knew what they were doing, they must of followed you guys.  I doubt that your detectors are in Mexico, my reasoning for that is that the police found your vehicle a mile a way.  It would be too easy to just drive your car into Mexico.





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Using the 2300, makro gold racer,  the deus, and the AU finder today ...

Completely discombobulated this morning trying to get what I need in the truck so I don't forget something I need..

Kinda like the usual mornings, right Klunker?

I should have left the 7000 there!

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So sorry to here that horrific news. I really hope they come back. I couldn't know how I would feel without my #7. It's like a child to me. 

Yes I may be a little excessive. Still it's very sad. 

Being through this before in my area nothing ever happened for me. I had a trommel stolen with my pump. Nothing ever became. (due partly to lazy sheriff's in my area) cool thing is I got angry and built a bigger one. 

 I Hate thieves!


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10 hours ago, Swegin said:

 The thief or thieves knew what they were doing, they must of followed you guys.  I doubt that your detectors are in Mexico, my reasoning for that is that the police found your vehicle a mile a way.  It would be too easy to just drive your car into Mexico.


Not so easy as you would think driving stolen vehicles into Mexico these days on both sides of the border. . Easier and safer to just smuggle detectors as most Mexican authorities aren't really trained on what they are.....yet anyway. Coming back from Baja a while back, at a military cheek point one of these guys found the control head to my F19. Asked what it was and I told him it was the depth finder for my aluminum boat, he said "OK amigo" and away I went. Huge market in Mex and down to South America for the best Minelab detectors. 

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 Wow sorry to hear that guys. What a bunch of crooks. Hey Paul I have a good deal I can make you on a 7000 without a 19 inch coil. Sorry to kick you when you're down. You know I couldn't help myself.  No really sorry to hear that I hope you find them. 

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3 hours ago, Hard Prospector said:

Not so easy as you would think driving stolen vehicles into Mexico these days on both sides of the border. . Easier and safer to just smuggle detectors as most Mexican authorities aren't really trained on what they are.....yet anyway. Coming back from Baja a while back, at a military cheek point one of these guys found the control head to my F19. Asked what it was and I told him it was the depth finder for my aluminum boat, he said "OK amigo" and away I went. Huge market in Mex and down to South America for the best Minelab detectors. 

Strange we drive to Hermosillo at least once a month for the past 4 years never have we been stopped going into mexico but always on the way out.     

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