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First Impression Of GM1000

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Finally received my GM 1000 today from Chris at Arizona Outback great guy vary easy to deal with and always willing to give advise when I speak to him on the phone.

Put it together and put a set of new batteries in because I wanted to charge up the rechargeable battery pack put the larger coil on to start 

Took it out to an area on my property that I have been over countless times with the X TERRA 705 and had never even got a hit with the 705 turned on the GM 1000 let it do its noise cancel and started detecting had it set in the auto plus settings at first and started getting hits almost immediately some were pinging the gold chance meter and others were 2-3 bars on the gold chance meter the GM 1000 runs really quite in an area that is riddled with hot rock kind of surprised me as to just how quite it ran,really simple to set up and just start detecting the instruction manual well lets just say not vary informative but I kind of understand why after turning the GM 1000 on not a lot to understand as it is automatic once you tun it on I played with the sensitivity setting on it and found for me if I backed the sensitivity down  2-3 bars it seemed to give cleaner hits on targets haven't dug any of the targets yet that were pinging the gold chance meter yet but tomorrow I will dig them up and see what they are, here is hoping there what the meter is saying,just wanted to get a feel for the GM 1000 first and it was getting late so I just marked the spots and went on, over all I marked probably 30 spots that I want to go back and check out,will post more once I have had a chance to use the GM 1000.



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 I should get my GM 1000 tomorrow. So until then I'm hanging on your every word. Sounds like all is well with the GM 1000.


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Ridge Runner so far from what I am seeing in the GM 1000 i am really liking it





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1 hour ago, Shasta gold hunter said:

 30 targets not previously heard sounds like a good bit of fun!

Shasta Gold Hunter I was quite surprised by all the targets I was hearing that were hitting on the gold chance side of the meter,I will find out what they are tomorrow and I am well aware that just because they were hitting and pinging on the gold chance indicator they could be aluminum foil or anything else that falls in gold range but again it was surprising that I was even hearing targets as I stated previously I have been over the area numerous times with the 705,one other thing I did not state earlier I was also running the GM 1000 in discrimination mode when I passed the coil over a known iron object the GM 1000 never made a sound but the meter would show a vary high meter reading so you pretty much can tell from the meter that it is iron only in all metal mode did it sound off on everything

it is exactly as Mine Lab states a turn on and after a couple seconds after it does its auto noise cancel start detecting no ground balancing or anything extremely simple that a kid that has never detected before could go detecting that's how simple it seems be to me 

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Been wondering if the machine might be super good on gold jewelry too.


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Very nice machine. Got mine in Yesterday. Played with it for a few minutes. Very easy to use...well  balanced... I think I'm gonna like it!


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4 hours ago, Aussieau said:

as you prob know, lead and aluminium foil will also hit on the "likely gold" side of the meter


Stated that fact in my reply to Shasta Gold Hunter

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Well now I am  a little confused and pretty disgusted 

The confusion comes from getting up this morning went out after getting dressed grabbed the GM 1000 started detecting was getting all kinds of signals on the gold chance side of the meter some were pinging the meter and others were 2-3 bars on the gold chance side so I decided to do a little test  well what I found out is the GM 1000 is actually sounding off on everything like it is stuck in all metal and reading everything as gold chance on the meter laid my steel digging shovel down on the ground and passed the coil of the GM 1000 over the shovel and it pegged the gold chance meter on the gold side tried factory reset and it still does the same thing so that is where the disgust comes in I think I may have gotten a defective unit

Can anyone give me any ideas as to what to try next other ,then contacting mine lab 

it does not mater if you have the GM set in all metal mode or discrimination mode it does the same thing in both 

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